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Posts posted by PorkChopExpress86

  1. If there's always an official line of thinking in a forum then how do you explain this one? While we are all either writers or readers of fan fiction, this place is a mix of different people with differing opinions. The only opinion that seems to be shared here is that we all have the right to write what floats our boat, and that isn't even shared by everyone

    I would say one hasn't emerged yet for this forum b/c its barely used. there seem to be less then 50 regular posters. but look at any large forum and you'll clearly see them.

  2. the internet has given millions of people a voice that they never would have had in times past. because of that, people think their opinions matter to other people. in the real world, few people associate heavily with those of vastly different opinions and hang out with mostly like minded people. this happens on the internet too, forums are started and if there is no official line of thinking stated, one soon develops.

    the difference is in person, most people are conditioned to either respect the opinion of another or leave the situation semi-gracefully. on the internet, everyone develops a severe case of asperger's syndrome and any contrary view is taken as a direct attack then shouted down.

  3. Wow, that sucks. I just got my first non military passport and my experience was the exact opposite. Granted the fees are a bit much, the government shouldn't be charging me anything more then cost to give me a document that lets me travel when I want to, but it came in 10 days, not the 4-6 weeks I was told. The Japanese government gave me my certificate of eligibility for a work visa within about the same time and the Japanese consulate took about 2 days, 3 days shorter then I was told, to process my visa. All in all I was quite pleased with the way things went.

  4. Ah yes, the old nut and muffin. But this is buried deep in the anime section. I must say, I like the bath scene in Plastic Little, but that isn't exactly Male/Female either. Perhaps anime is just bad in portraying realistic males, leaving the girl-boys for the yaoi fans and the female characters to the teen boys?

    that's an interesting point. I was always struck by how deeply afraid anime guys were of their female counterparts. OH MY GOD!! 4 HOT GIRLS WANT ME!! RUN AWAYYYYYYYYY!!!!

  5. I just made a quick realization about Bleach. The whole thing is one large Damsel in Distress story,including fillers and movies, there has not been one arc that does not involve saving a girl. Except maybe the new one because I did not watch it but 3/4s of the story has been a white knight saving a helpless girl from at one point an Actual Tower, just like Rapunzel.

    they didn't save any female characters in the bount arc. but yeah, i hadn't thought of it like that, there is quite a bit of it. I guess you go with what works?

  6. Interesting as always, and just when I was thinking this forum was dead. Foe you've done a great job but I have to disagree with you on Obama's federally funded civilian SS. Obama wants to ban all guns from civilian hands including the evil "semi-automatics" which is to say, anything that's not a revolver. (http://www.ontheissues.org/domestic/Barack_Obama_Gun_Control.htm) So unless this coming civilian group takes a special oath of allegiance to him and receives special privileges that the average citizen does not, I don't see it happening. Although...



  7. Man, this thread has been active since i've been away. Foe, good job. And even if McCain's campaign isn't doing well right now Bush was looking at a one term presidency at about the same time last cycle. It's going to come down to the same thing it always comes down to, who shows up at the polls and the 8% of the country that never makes up their mind until they walk into the polling booth. Observe: http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jh...ded-focus-group

  8. You seem to have this idea in your head that Obama can do nothing right, so you'll excuse me if I don't jump to take your word for anything.

    lrn2history. and i dont care what you think because you're going to vote for him regardless, and the exact same could be said for you. i'm sure his ties to domestic terrorism are just youthful idealism and activism in your head. it's more about anyone who might be reading and not posting. those are the people who are less likely to be personally comitted to a candidate.

  9. obama wont get national health care instated. if it did you would see exactly the same thing happen here as you wouuld in england. 6 month waitlist for the most routine procedures and emergency room lines you will die in before getting seen. the government can not mandate that private practice accepts their form of coverage and most will not because they will only be paid a fraction of what the procedure actualy costs, read: Tricare. you think there is a doctor/nurse shortage now? wait until the obama administration. no profit incentive means no one is going to spend the 8 years in school it takes to become a doctor.

  10. That's a pretty stupid question, would you want to vote for the greater evil?

    Good god, click the fucking picture people. it's the campaign slogan of Cthulu for President.

    Palin's religious beliefs aren't going to do anything for gay rights, no Republicans do but neither do democrats really. Biden stated unequivocally that he does not support gay marriage at the debate but somehow that just flew by without a word from the gay crowd. Obama as president will be like Hillary in 93. He'll try to socialize healthcare, it will go down in flames, and he will be crucified for it. He'll lose all political capital and when the HOPE and CHANGE doesn't happen in his first 100 days, he will lose his messiah status in the eyes of his followers. The country will turn on him and he will have an approval rating that will match what his democratic colleagues are receiving right now. enjoy your failed administration.

  11. I'm not arguing that; I actually agree that most of that is bullshit. My problem with it was more that it came off as an attack rather than an arguement. You won't win a debate by calling the other side crazy. You win a debate by proving the otherside wrong. In the end it doesn't matter why they believe what they believe, just so long as you have the evidence to support your arguments and can persuade those who are listening that you're in the right.

    you can't win arguments against them because they are who they are. as described above they are unable to accept the facts that have been proven and corroborated. The facts have been presented ad nausuem and are widely available. when they choose to throw all of this out the door because they want to be able to pin it on the government, aliens, the illuminati, or the jews, the only thing left to examine is their state of mind.

    MIT engineering professor Thomas W. Eagar was at first unwilling to acknowledge the concerns of the movement, saying "if (the argument) gets too mainstream, I'll engage in the debate." In response to physicist Steven Jones publishing a hypothesis that the World Trade Center was destroyed by controlled demolition, Eager stated:

    "These people (in the 9/11 truth movement) use the "reverse scientific method"… they determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion."[48]


    Thus exposing them for the irrational and flagrently demented people that they are is necessary to winning over the people who are in the middle. If left unchecked this kind of irrationality spirals out of control see Krystalnacht.

    And who was attacking who?

    Gatta love Porkchop and people like him that believe Bush and his people are telling the truth. There minds won't be changed until the ultimate betrayal of their trust happens.
  12. Careful, PorkChop. Better to stick to debating events and history when it comes to politics, rather than psychology. Its a rather stick prospect that no one ever walks away from unscathed. If you want to argue against conspiracy theories, bring evidence from the events themselves to the table. Please?

    I am refuting the theories. look at the links, particularly EjectEjectEject, he does a pretty good job of destroying their positions. Besides the burden of proof isn't on me, it's on the person that says Bush, someone with nothing to gain and everything to lose, allowed a few planes to be hijacked and thousands of his countrymen to be killed, then bribed tens of thousands of witnesses, rank and file employees of numerous government agencies, and civilian companies to cover up for him for the rest of their lives, and willfully brought about an economic downturn sparked by the loss of major capital in downtown New York (the fiscal heart of the country) all so that... he could do... something...

    Or maybe a bunch of religious fucktards got pissed off because their sheeplike mentality and utter contempt for human life fostered by a life of indoctrination and hatred allowed them to rationalize hijacking a few planes and crash them into symbols of American power because their sandy shit hole countries suck and they were promised 72 virgins in the hereafter by their vengeful and sadistic god.

    What’s more reasonable to believe when it comes to conspiracy theories like "9/11 Truth" bullshit? The stories spun and perpetuated by the people described in the links above, which provide research and expert opinions, who are desperately in need of personal validation and seek attention by positing a highly unbelievable series of events that fly in the face of reason and plausibility, or the actions that have been repeated a thousand times in the middle east by islamic terrorists? Occam's Razor. Apply it.

  13. You know, the 9/11 terrorist attacks were attempted 9 times under the Clinton administration. It was caught and stopped all 9 times. The first time it was tried under the Bush Administration it succeeded. Why? Only those actually involved can say for sure. Of course that event led us to where we are now. I see Bush for what he is, a power hungry opportunist. Gatta love Porkchop and people like him that believe Bush and his people are telling the truth. There minds won't be changed until the ultimate betrayal of their trust happens.

    you realize you're in the vast minority here right? 3/4 people have no problem with the official report of events. Speaking of clinton, he let osama bin laden get away.

    The tape proves the Clinton administration was aggressively tracking al-Qaida a year before 9/11. But that also raises one enormous question: If the U.S. government had bin Laden and the camps in its sights in real time, why was no action taken against them?


    Now lets talk about people who believe there is a grand conspiracy by the government.

    I deal regularly with people who have various levels of physiological abnormality in their brain. Through an unfortunate series of events--their genetics; random biological mutations; or the deliberate use of mind-altering substances that activate the latent psychosis; etc. etc., these unfortunate souls start out with or unknowingly stimulate a defective physiology which causes a dysfunction in their cognitive faculties. Their defective brain works hard to integrate events and make sense of the world, but it is at a serious and overwhelming disadvantage because its neural pathways don't work properly. Hence, auditory or visual hallucination; bizarre delusions; complicated conspiracy theories; disorganized thinking; and an impaired critical thinking capacity in general--all of which lead to pervasive misperceptions of the world and the people around them.

    We rightly call such people mentally ill. For the most part (except for the substance-induced psychotics) the only choice they have in the matter (and this, too is often dependent on whether or not the insight they have into their illness has been spared the physiological degeneration that effects other parts of their brain) is whether to regularly take the medications that give them some hope of being able to accurately perceive reality.

    The people I am concerned about in this post are as close to being mentally ill as it is possible to get. Oh, they have the same catastrophic physiological disruption in their brain that the paranoid schizophrenic has; it's just that they came to it via a different route. They probably weren't born with much of a physiological vulnerability for becoming detached from reality....no, they had to have repeatedly traveled down the psycho path to reach their final delusional destination. It is likely that at first they mentally got lost and accidentally took a wrong turn, leaving the main highway. It was always within their cognitive power to return to the main road (unlike those with mental illness who are biologically trapped on the false path); but at some point they chose to stay on their present course.

    The world of politics attracts paranoia, conspiracy theories and paranoids like flypaper attracts flies. And it is deeply disturbing to observe.


    This from a PhD of psychiatry. Now here’s another account.

    Of all the people in those buildings that morning, no one -- no one -- saw any wires anywhere? No one asked why the drywall was torn down and replaced with grey stuff duct-taped into place? None of the firemen rushing into those burning towers, checking all those floors for survivors -- none of them noticed the building was rigged to explode? That it might possibly be worth a small call on the radio?

    My father was interred at Arlington National Cemetery in 2002. I will never forget that day. It changed my life, and it was the event that started me writing here at Eject! Eject! Eject!

    The man who coordinated that service was on a hill about a half-mile from that side of the Pentagon on the morning of September 11th, 2001. He told me that they had been informed that something was going on in New York that morning. Then he heard something that he said he thought was a missile attack -- a roar so loud and so far beyond a normal jet sound that he looked up at that exact moment expecting to die.

    What he saw emerge from the trees overhead, perhaps a hundred feet above him, was American Airlines Flight 77 as it went by in a silver blur, engines screaming in a power dive as it hit the near side of the Pentagon. He told me -- to my face -- that body parts had rained down all over that sacred field. Just like red hail on a summer day. Those body parts are buried in a special place at the base of that hill.

    Now. If Rosie O'Donnell and the rest of that Lunatic Brigade is right and I am wrong, then that man -- that insignificant Army chaplain and his Honor Guard of forty men -- are all liars. He is lying to me for Halliburton and Big Oil. That Chaplain -- and all of those decent, patriotic young men in the Honor Guard, and all the commuters on the roads who saw an American Airlines jet instead of a missile -- all of those people are liars and accessories to murder. And all of the firefighters who went into buildings rigged to explode were pre-recruited suicide martyrs dying for George W. Bush's plans for world conquest. Remember: NOTHING that happened on September 11th needed any more explanation than what was obvious from the second impact... namely, that Islamic terrorists hijacked four American aircraft and flew three of them into their targets. To try to convince people of missile attacks and rigged explosives and mystery jets is nothing more than an intentional assault on reason and common sense, one that damns the innocent and protects those mass murderers with our blood on their hands.

    It's an obscenity. It's a filthy, God-damned, criminal obscenity. Nothing less.


    Check out this study.

    Goertzel identified three traits as being correlated with a belief in conspiracy theories:

    anomia, the respondent stated a belief that he/she felt alienated or disaffection relative to 鍍he system;・

    a tendency to distrust other people; and

    a feeling of insecurity regarding continued employment.

    Citing Volkan5, who suggested that insecure and/or discontented people very often feel a need for a tangible enemy on which to externalize their anger, Goertzel notes that conspiracy theories may serve to provide an 兎nemy・to blame for problems which 登therwise seem too abstract and impersonal.・He further observes that conspiracy theories also provide ready answers for the believer痴 unanswered questions and help to resolve contradictions between known 素acts・and an individual's belief system. The latter observation seems to be verified by the widespread acceptance within the Muslim world of the contention that the September 11 attacks were the work of Israel, in conjunction with the Bush Administration, in order to increase anti-Muslim sentiments abroad.6

    Surprisingly, Goertzel found that there was no correlation between race, age, and economic status and the latter two traits. Although he did not suggest that the two latter traits mentioned above may be self-perpetuating (people who have experienced employment difficulties in the past may be more distrusting of others which, in turn, may lead to future interpersonal issues that can have a negative impact on employment), intuitive reasoning suggests that this could be possible.

    In summary, I accept the published findings and opinions of Goertzel et al as being at least subjectively valid. Successful conspiracy theories are those that to some degree empower the believer against what are perceived as external forces that he/she blames for some unpleasant or undesirable facet of their lives. In addition conspiracy theories serve to absolve the individual of some degree of self-accountability since, if the individual is being 登ppressed・by some powerful conspiracy, the individual痴 efforts at self-advancement will always be futile and thus become nothing more than 殿 waste of time.・Sadly, it seems that conspiracy theories and their advocates are now deeply engrained in the popular psyche and without prospects for their ultimate refutation.


    Take a good long read of each of those articles and then ask yourself why you feel the need to believe Bush is out to get you.

  14. Looks like someone is believing what Bush says again. Georgia attacked them and they attacked back. Now they are probably getting ready for a fight because Bush keeps shooting his mouth off. And by the way, from what I've read, the Cold War was just a bunch of big misunderstandings.

    lulz. Georgia didn't attack Russia. Georgia attacked a part of its own country that tried to break away. Russia did the same thing with Chechnya a few years ago. That would be like saying when federal forces went south of the Mason-Dixon line we were attacking Britain. And the cold war was far from a series of misunderstandings. it was half a century of diametrically opposed political policy by two superpowers trying to expand their spheres of influence.

  15. I really don't blame Russia for what it did to Georgia, I mean Georgia brought it on themselves when they invaded South Osetia really. The whole scenario was kinda like the WW1 scenario, two little countries getting into it and their larger, more powerful allies being sucked in as well. It looks like the situation has been defused now though.

    What was really funny though is when Dubya was interviewed and asked what he said to Putin when they were sitting next to each other at the Olympics and Putin explained what Russia was going to do to Georgia. Bush replied "I told him what he was doing was a bad thing." lol that just cracks me up for some reason.

    is it over? russia is sending a fleet around the mediteranian and then on to Venezuela and a few months ago they resumed long range bomber missions over europe.

  16. i can redefine terms in an overly broad manner too. but if you want to have an actual argument then why not focus on the terms as they are understood by the majority? Terrorism in this case refers to non conventional warfare carried out by a small force against one that is far superior with the intent of changing the policy or attitudes of the government that controls the larger force.

    If you really think the events described in the article are politically motivated you need to reexamine the situation. if it was in any way orchestrated by a candidate there would be many more of them and they would be of larger scale. I know I’m wasting my breath here since you stated there was a link between Bush's election and the 9/11 attacks, but do you really believe that some small cabal of right wing politicians engineered the largest attack on this country in 50 years so that they could have more oil wealth then they could spend in 10 lifetimes despite already having... more oil wealth then they could spend in 10 lifetimes? There would be relatively little to gain and everything to lose if there was ever a link discovered. But logic isn’t really necessary when we’re spinning conspiracy bullshit is it? FDR let the Japanese bomb pearl harbor too, didn’t he? And some small fraternal organization created in Bavaria three hundred years ago is now controlling every political, economic and social action undertaken by western democracies right? Failing that, Jewish bankers are the ones controlling the media and governments, huh?

    One attack on a muslim minority in this country is hardly an example of terrorism. it is a criminal matter, more specifically it is a hate crime. KKK attacks against blacks in the Jim Crowe South were terrorism because they were a relatively small group fighting in a systematic way against the policies of the federal and state governments that allowed blacks to live in a way they did not agree with.

    No one is arguing that you can destroy the idea of terrorism completely. You can however, in the manner outlined above and backed up by historical example, crush the resistance of a people in a specific place and time. No one fought Saddam Hussein over there after he utterly annihilated large groups of Kurds. But they know the West is too squeamish to do what needs to be done, so they shoot at us while surrounded by women and children.

  17. The video is about an hour long. it starts off with the disclaimer that it isn't speaking about all muslims and ends on the same note.

    yeah, that happens and it would have happened if al gore was president. check world war 2 propaganda. "When you ride alone, you ride with Hitler!" It's a politically convenient attack on the opposite party and everyone does it. Obama is running ads that outline a plan?? O.o clearly we're not seeing the same ads. All i'm seeing is "here's a vague idea of the things that need to be worked on." If he wants to clearly explain something to me have him tell me how he's going to "lower 95% of the people's taxes" when 40% of people don't pay any. Is he going to give them a credit? Wait, isn't that what Bush did?

    U.S. income tax system is so bad and increasingly reliant on a shrinking number of Americans to pay the nation's bills, that 40 percent of the country's households pay no income taxes at all, says Ari Fleischer, a former White House press secretary, and president of Ari Fleischer Communications.

    Our tax system comes up short in a lot of areas; however, the one place where it does excel is at redistributing income, says Fleischer:

    * According to a recent study by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), those who make more than $43,200 (the top 40 percent) pay 99.1 percent of all income taxes.

    * Those who made more than $87,300 in 2004, the top 10 percent, paid 70.8 percent of all income taxes.

    * In other words, 10 percent pay 7 out of every 10 dollars and their share of the burden is rising.

    And those super-rich one percenters? Their share of the nation's income has risen, but their tax burden has risen even faster:

    * In 1979, affluent individuals made 9.3 percent of the nation's income and they paid 18.3 percent of the country's income tax.

    * In 2004, they made 16.3 percent of the nation's income but their share of the income tax burden leaped to 36.7 percent.

    * As for the middle class they make 13.9 percent of the nation's income and their share of the nation's income tax dropped to 4.7 percent.

    * In 1979, they made 15.8 percent of the nation's income and paid 10.7 percent of the nation's income tax.


    And yes you can fight terrorism. It's a military strategy called Total War. Decimate them. Make being our enemy so unpalatable that they would never begin to oppose us. The west controlled the Islamic world for centuries and yet there was almost no terrorism prior to the later half of the 20th century. why? because British colonials didn't tolerate that shit. Why didn't the Confederate states, well armed and well trained, conduct guerrilla warfare? Because Sherman's March to the Sea took all the fight out of them. Why didn't the Japanese, so keen to crash their planes into our decks during the war and commit mass suicide in Okinawa rather then be taken prisoner, not form armed resistance groups during the occupation? This was another group of people who had divine backing for their suicide missions. But they knew that after firebombing 95% of their urban areas and then nuking 2 strategically unimportant cities just to show them what the score was, they were better off playing ball. See also Dresden, Germany. But no, we engage in this hands off, bullshit form of war and all we do is get our troops killed. We stick around and rebuild their shitty ass country so that they can have the convenience of sniping us from their mosques.

    we are the most powerful militarily and economically in the world. Look at the asian markets yesterday. The dow dropped and, as anticipated, the nikkei dropped. Today the dow bounces back, the nikkei bounces back. When the US has tough times economically, the entire world does. We are the backbone of the world economy.

    "TOKYO (Kyodo)--Tokyo stocks rebounded Wednesday from the previous day's dive to the lowest levels in more than three years as investors were heartened by Wall Street's overnight rally on optimism the U.S. Congress will soon pass the White House's revised financial bailout package aimed at stabilizing the battered financial sector in the United States. " http://www.nni.nikkei.co.jp/

    But as far as policing the world goes, I actually agree with you. I'd prefer we stick with the Monroe Doctrine. We make the rules for the Western Hemisphere and we leave other spheres of influence alone. Let the Brits dominate Europe, build up the Japanese and give them back their Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Hell, we can even give Russia their Iron Curtain back. The Cold War was a hell of a lot more fun then this war on terror. At least then James Bond had sexy women to seduce.

  18. The room that the chemical was sprayed into was the room where babies and children were being kept while their mothers were engaged in prayers. This, apparently, is what the scare tactic political campaigning of John McCain's supporters has led to -- Americans perpetrating a terrorist attack against innocent children on American soil.

    really? REALLY? john mccain's political campaign directly resulted in this? come on...

    Also, I watched that DVD and found it was a pretty accurate and balanced presentation. they spent a good 10 minutes of that hour stressing that they were speaking about muslim fundamentalist terrorists and not all muslims. There was very little that was incendiary, unless you say video clips of a man bathing his infant in blood from a knife and praying that he grows up to be a martyr is incendiary. The whole dvd was about moderate muslims calling out other moderate muslims to speak out about this kind of crap and to show the world that if indeed the extremists are a small minority, then the vast majority needs to show its not supportive of this kind of barbarism.

  19. so i just got 12 reviews, all copypasta of some fic that i saw on Encyclopedia Dramatica a while ago. Very long, made the review page load slowly.

    Here's how it started:

    The rest room opened off the food court in the small mall across the parking lot from the Weeping Willows Retirement Apartments.

    Jake Sawyer stood at the urinal, cock in hand, willing a golden stream to gush forth and splash against the gleaming white porcelain.

    A portly, black bearded man in a plain, gray jogging suit entered, stepped up to the idle urinal next to Jake and nodded.

    Jake stared straight ahead as the man grasped the elastic waistband of his jogging pants and lowered the front until he could release his soft cock over the stretched elastic.

    “Well what do you know?” The big man smiled. “Found the little devil on the first try.”

    In spite of himself, Jake’s eyes shifted to his left for a glimpse of the two inches of soft pecker with a puckered foreskin and a wrinkly scrotum below a nest of black, kinky, wiry hair on an overhanging belly. He quickly diverted his eyes and willed his bladder to release its urine.

    The big man expelled a sigh of relief as his stream rained against the porcelain and ran golden down to the floor level to swirl about the smelly cake of deodorant. “Nothing like a good piss to lighten a man’s load after a few trips around the mall.”

    I've already reported it in the proper section of the board, but i'm just kinda wondering what happened. None of my other stories were touched and i it didn't look like any of the other stories in the sailor moon section were touched. Was it random dicketry? was it supposed to be a flame of my work? The votes weren't rigged or anything. Just strange.

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