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  1. Please unlock the story? I've changed all my disclaimers. If something is still wrong with them, I can alter them more but I don't think so.
  2. I'm straight until proven otherwise, but here, I have two yaoi up. On FFnet, I have mostly hetero work though (with two shounen-ais and a shojo-ai, kicks and giggles). I write what seems appropriate for the characters usually. Or to get the ideas and images out of my head.
  3. Yeah, so I'm a smalltime author in a smalltime fandom. Star Fox of any sort doesn't get a whole lot of attention but that's basically what I camp out in (though I could probably be coerced to write something for World of Darkness, or a few others). Long story short of it, I've been aimlessly faffing about lately and I was wondering if any other fans are out there and want to see some particular story, pairing, or whatever. Or drop me a line and say hi. You know, whatever. Yeee.
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