Lady Aqualyne
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Lady Aqualyne
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Okay so I had an idea for a FemHarry! fic and came up with this: Main Pairing: HP/SS Other Pairings: Up to you Rating: NC-17 (There will be sex *nods*) Summary of Challenge: Harry Potter is coming into his magical inheritance so this would be set around 6th or 7th year at Hogwarts. When he comes into his magical inheritance (What all this is besides what I list is up to you) various obliviates, glamours, etc fall. Harry at the end of this is a girl. Now... a letter either from his Mother (Lily Potter) or from Gringotts must explain why he is now a girl (He was actually born a girl) who changed him (Dumbledore), and what all happened. Now Harry Potter was actually born Apollymi Fonia Potter. Fonia means "The Killer" by the way. Also Apollymi (Harry) was blessed upon his birth by the Goddess Apollymi his namesake. He is blessed to carry on her work... as Apollymi is known as The Goddess of Life, Death and Wisdom and her many epitaphs including: The Destroyer, The Bringer, The Giver, Biosia (Life), Thanata (Death), Magosa (Wisdom), and Fonia (The Killer). Apollymi (Harry) has power that far surpasses that of Dumbledore and Tom Riddle... combined. He has also inherited the Goddess' vindictive nature and temper when it comes to those who are close to him being harmed and the harm done to himself. Revenge can be such a frightening thing. Powers include but are not limited to: Elemental Control, Wizarding Magic strength, Seer (not that he gives prophesies but he can see flashes of future events, but not their outcomes), and whatever else you wish to include such as being an animagus and the like. She (he) is also the Heir to: Gryffindore, Ravenclaw, Merlin, LeFay, Potter, and Black (you may include more if you wish and yes Dumbles has been taking money from him/her who he gives it to is up to you. Who has been betraying her, who her real friends are is completely up to you). To put it bluntly... She is the richest Witch to be found in all of the Wizarding World. Upon finding all this out she becomes quite embittered and that vindictive nature shines through. At which time Apollymi (Harry) decides to take matters into her own hands and make her own side in the war. She will NOT join Voldemort. Instead she is going to take over the Wizarding World herself and change it for the better. She will be seen as Dark as she will practice both dark and light magic. Looks Wise: Harry pretty much changes completely and his looks far surpass that of his mother. He has long dark (DARK meaning practically black with hints of brown in bright lights) hair. It is sometimes worn in ringlets down his back (For an example see here: Example of what I'm thinkin) His green eyes stay the same, full lashes, pretty much what you see in the picture I included for help. His skin is like cream, and he still has the bolt scar. To say the least he has basically become the prettiest girl in Hogwarts and this will grab the attention of all upon her return to school (Story starts in the summer on her birthday). His entrance back to school would be in the form of the sorting hat calling out her name when everyone (including Dumbledore) thinks the sorting of the new students is over. Upon which Apollymi will be resorted... into Slytherin. Also at this point and upon seeing her many are struck speechless (Including Dumbles this was not a part of his plan), but one person is struck hard by Cupid's Arrow upon meeting Apollymi's eyes (Snape). Other Info: This is to be a multi-chaptered epic fic since the end of the war must be told and there is so much that can be done with a plot like this. I wish I had the time to write this one myself, but since I do not I have decided to give someone else the chance to write this. I will be looking forward to reading whoever takes this up. Oh and don't be afraid to do a Christmas ball I'd love to see Apollymi (Harry) show up in that red dress from the movie Dracula. For more information on the goddess Apollymi you can read Here. Allow me to thank you ahead of time if you decide to take up this story. Good luck and be reading you, ~Lady Aqualyne
Alright guys so here's the deal... I am sitting here listening to One More Try by George Michael... and well I'm usually not one for a Song Fic, but something about this song just screams the idea of Harry and Snape... and thus there's the challenge. Check out the requirements below: 1) Well thought out multi-chaptered fic. Doesn't matter how long just more than one or two chapters. 2) Snape and Harry are the relationship. I will not bend on this. 3) They can be in an established relationship or even better both of them know something is there but each time they get close to one another Snape pushes Harry away. 4) Somewhere in the fic Harry must get fed up with the dance and has to think of a way to get Snape to realize he's getting tired. 5) Here's where the song comes into play. It can even be a school wide talent contest... Harry has to sing the song and please... make it emotional... I wanna feel my heart jerk out my chest. 6) Happy ending happy ending happy ending. I don't care what you put them through before hand... give me a happy ending though. Keep in mind... play with the emotions... listen to the song, feel the pain, and incorporate it into the story. Does anyone else know about Harry and Snape? Is it a secret? What has made Harry snap finally? I'm curious to see how people play with this idea. I look forward to reading whomever answers this challenge. Here are the lyrics George Michael's One More Try I've had enough of danger And people on the streets I'm looking out for angels Just trying to find some peace Now I think it's time That you let me know So if you love me Say you love me But if you don't Just let me go.... 'Cos teacher There are things that I don't want to learn And the last one I had Made me cry So I don't want to learn to Hold you, touch you Think that you're mine Because it ain't no joy For an uptown boy Whose teacher has told him goodbye... goodbye... goodbye When you were just a stranger And I was at your feet I didn't feel the danger Now I feel the heat That look in your eyes Telling me no So you think that you love me Know that you need me I wrote the song, I know it's wrong Just let me go.... And teacher There are things That I don't want to learn Oh the last one I had Made me cry So I don't want to learn to Hold you, touch you Think that you're mine Because it ain't no joy For an uptown boy Whose teacher has told him goodbye... goodbye... goodbye So when you say that you need me That you'll never leave me I know you're wrong, you're not that strong Let me go! And teacher There are things That I still have to learn But the one thing I have... is my pride Oh! So I don't want to Hold you, touch you Think that you're mine Because there ain't no joy For an uptown boy Who just isn't willing to try I'm so cold inside... Maybe just one more try
Whew... this is a touchy one for me... I worked in the District Attorney's office... and I was working on a case (I won't say where or who the defendant was) but I did all the work for this case for the attorney handling it. It was a Doctor who molested 14 young boys... and the evidence was overwhelming. I worked on this case sick and practically on my death bed (I had Valley Fever a bad case of flu that was killing people) but regardless while I was out sick after having gone in one day to finish the last of trial preparations I saw on the news that they had reached a plea agreement the day after I finished the last of the trial preparations, the day before the trial. The agreement was 7 years, his ability to practice medicine revoked, etc. etc. I was livid. He will be out in 3-5 years on good behavior. I feel like plea agreements do more harm than good and it's like a slap in the face for the victims. He should have gotten 14 years one for every kid... but that wasn't the case and I felt cheated. I know at times there can be mitigating circumstances where a person deserves a plea agreement, but there are times where the system of pleaing is used to the extremes and the horror of those involved and this was one of those times. It makes me shudder to think how many others have gone through the system and gotten slaps on the wrists like this, and I'm not saying it is just the victims who hurt. There are times where even the defense side of things misuse the plea agreement. For example many Public Defenders have horrible case loads and are overworked just as the system itself is and they make their defendants strike a plea agreement in order to push them through the system faster and to lessen a case load. It's wrong on both sides of the fields because not only is the defendant not getting a chance to prove himself innocent, but it's as if his desire for such is overlooked in favor of lightening the system and the workers caseloads. It's a shame, and a big problem one I don't see changing any time soon.
I also voted wrong but I voted on the grounds that no I do not believe it exists. I live in the US and yet we constantly preach about how we have separation of church and state here, but if you really look at everything around us here you'll realize that's the biggest lie in the constitution. If we lived in a country with separation of Church and State then no one would be running around trying to make laws banning gays the right to marry, we would not have "In God We Trust" on our money, and the religious opinions of everyone would not be allowed in politics, in courtrooms, and thrown in everyone's face. Just my opinion I suppose... but I know I am not the only one who feels this way.
I agree completely, but see whereas you avoid it all together others who don't like it decide to bash and flame and it makes no sense whatsoever... it's like the others said... Why read it then? I mean they are the ones who chose to waste their time reading something that doesn't interest them or make them uncomfortable. *Shrugs her shoulders* It just comes to show some people can be complete idiots.
*Stops being lazy and makes her way onto the boards* WHOOT first post for me. Okay... I'mma be honest... I'm a Yaoi whore. It's all I read, all I write. I started off a a het writer, and suddenly began to HATE writing it. Here's the thing... Het sex is overdone... and for some reason I think because there are just so many times you can write about it without repeating yourself a million times in a millon stories that it just gets BORING. So... I started writing Yaoi and Slash. For some reason... I am better at it, I write better, my sex scenes are hotter, and damn it I LOVE the idea of TWO GORGEOUS guys getting it on. One of my closest friends (A gay guy) says I have an obsession with Gay couples... he's right. I can't watch an anime now without pointing out why two people in it are gay (I ruined DBZ for my brother doing this). Regardless though I as a Yaoi writer have been flamed more times than I can count by people who read my fics... and if you've read them you know how explicit my writing can be... and then proceed to rip me a new one for writing gay sex. It's childish and usually I don't even bother responding I usually just delete the review and move on, but sometimes I get so mad that I have to walk away from the computer all together just to keep my sanity and to keep from allowing my temper to get the best of me. All I can say is the world needs to grow up. There are gay people, there are straight people, and damn it we're NO DIFFERENT FROM EACH OTHER! *Breathes* We each have the same hopes, same dreams, same longings, same trials, same needs, etc. etc. etc. I just hope one day people can stop being so close-minded acting like being gay is some disease that is spreading. As a yaoi author there is no way I'mma stop writing to please some retard who read my story despite the fact that I listed like 20 reasons why they shouldn't... that's what a disclaimer is for... you are about to read a yaoi work... meaning M/M relationship, sex, anal, etc. Hm... you'd think they'd pay attention to that and usually in my disclaimer I'll be frank and tell them how explicit it is and to turn back if they are not into gay sex. These people don't do that, they read the story, and then go into this long bigot filled reason why you're going to burn in hell. I feel like this... If I'm going to hell for finding two males going at it sexy and arousing well at least I'm going to enjoy the path to my fall from grace