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Everything posted by allthethingsyourefusetosay
Naruto Shippūden (movie)
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to allthethingsyourefusetosay's topic in General
I know apparently it only came out in just came out last year in japan and has yet to be released on dvd so it'll be a while before it makes its way to america -
I think all the pairings I like are rare basically any guy but Sasuke and Iruka with Naruto is amazing NaruShino ShinoNaru ShikaNaru NaruShika KibaNaruKiba NaruGaa GaaNaru NejiNaruNeji NaruGai KakaNaruKaka KabutoNaru OroNaru ItaNaru HayateNaru
Well my favorite pairings are really simple, I don't like het that much so my list is narrowed down. NaruShino Although ultra rare (Neko Izumi is the only author I know of that writes this pairing) it is super hot just think of a dominant Naruto breaking down all of Shinos barriers and forcing him to act somewhat normally even if its in Naruto's presence ShinoNaru Not the same as listed above because I dominant Shino will rain in all of Naruto's wild tendencies ShikaNaru While Naruto does have his bursts of genius moments he still needs someone to show him the bigger picture and Shika is just perfect for that NaruShika Because sometimes Shka might need help understanding the little surprises that life has that doesn't always go according to plan KibaNaruKiba Because either way you look at it this pairing is just freral in the making NaruGaa Because Gaara still needs help understanding life that doesn't include killling people that piss you off even if it is a very good reason GaaNaru Because lets face it sooner or later Gaara will become dominant and the prospect of a dominant Gaara showing Naruto that killing assholes isn't as bad as it seems is too appealing NejiNaruNeji This pairing no matter the formation is amazing and only the worst authors can screw it up plus a dominant Naruto fucking Neji into the ground is hot NaruGai I know most of you are thinking ewww but I read it once and it was amazing but only the most talented of authors can pull this pairing off KakaNaruKaka The teacher/student thing is hot especially if it is reversed and Naruto is the seme KabutoNaru Trust me just read the pairing once and you will be hooked OroNaru Same as above but only a talented writer can pull this off ItaNaru I know you're probably wondering why sasuke isn't on this list and its because Itachi is so much better like an intense older and more perverted version of Sasuke but if he falls in love with Naruto you know its for real HayateNaru I know he was killed during the chunnin exams but the few stories that I have read with hm and Naruto together got me hooked and screaming screw cannon
Well my favorite pairings are really simple, I don't like het that much so my list is narrowed down. NaruShino Although ultra rare (Neko Izumi is the only author I know of that writes this pairing) it is super hot just think of a dominant Naruto breaking down all of Shinos barriers and forcing him to act somewhat normally even if its in Naruto's presence ShinoNaru Not the same as listed above because I dominant Shino will rain in all of Naruto's wild tendencies ShikaNaru While Naruto does have his bursts of genius moments he still needs someone to show him the bigger picture and Shika is just perfect for that NaruShika Because sometimes Shka might need help understanding the little surprises that life has that doesn't always go according to plan KibaNaruKiba Because either way you look at it this pairing is just freral in the making NaruGaa Because Gaara still needs help understanding life that doesn't include killling people that piss you off even if it is a very good reason GaaNaru Because lets face it sooner or later Gaara will become dominant and the prospect of a dominant Gaara showing Naruto that killing assholes isn't as bad as it seems is too appealing NejiNaruNeji This pairing no matter the formation is amazing and only the worst authors can screw it up plus a dominant Naruto fucking Neji into the ground is hot NaruGai I know most of you are thinking ewww but I read it once and it was amazing but only the most talented of authors can pull this pairing off KakaNaruKaka The teacher/student thing is hot especially if it is reversed and Naruto is the seme KabutoNaru Trust me just read the pairing once and you will be hooked OroNaru Same as above but only a talented writer can pull this off ItaNaru I know you're probably wondering why sasuke isn't on this list and its because Itachi is so much better like an intense older and more perverted version of Sasuke but if he falls in love with Naruto you know its for real HayateNaru I know he was killed during the chunnin exams but the few stories that I have read with hm and Naruto together got me hooked and screaming screw cannon
Okay I maybe the tupidest person in the entire world but I just found out about the Naruto Shippuden movie that came out last year and now I am going insane with guilt it almost feels like scarliege that I din't know about this movies existence seeing as I try to stay as up to date on all things Naruto as possible and still maintain a healthy social life outside of Fandom but while watching the latest episode on Shippuden acomment from the previous viewer almost made me have a panic attack. So who els eknew about this and can anyone please tell me where I can find a subtitled copt when it comes out I hate being out of the loop. Also there is supposed to be a sequel coming out this year.
Jk Rowling Mad- Anyone Else See This?
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to bookworm51485's topic in General
Althopugh I can't agree that she's a horrible writer the books do have several plot holes that make it diffcult to read and understand the series and made it personaally hard for me to continue to read her books after the fouth. The biggeest one is Harry's behavior and Tuftiperkys might agree with me since she is a consuelr, although Harry's abuse is not as extreme as other children's its still abuse and it would have had a big impact on the things that Harry does in the story. the main thing being Harry's trust in people necessarily adults my best friend was abused for much of her childhood and found it very diffcult to trust adults as harry should have given that his abuse had gone on for elven years and no one thought to call the police and trust me when it comes to things like that people notice even if they don't do much about it. However I don't believe that fanfic writers are better than JK because the majority of have a tendency to incorporate her plot holes into the books. And I would love to recieve help understanding several facts for example, the blood protecetion that Harry supposedly has should have been cancelled after Voldemort's resurection since tecehnically they shared the same blood. Also how exactly in a world with virtuserum does one lie in court, also Harry was taken to trail for using magic outside of school but no one seemed to notice that Sirus didn't recieve a trail at all.Yet when he escaped Dumbledore who wasn't there readily acceptst the fact of Sirus' innocence. And though I understand the concept that people are controlled by the media and the media is controlled by the government which is why no one believed Harry about voldemort's return shouldn't the dead body of a student at school have warranted questions also if Alaster Moody is such a good auror how was he ever over powered by Crouch not just once but through an entire book. Also about Harry's blood protection how come it didn't protecet him against thos he lived with. Furthermore about other comments made it is very likely that she will write another book dealing with the Harry Potter Series and of course millions of people will line up at midnight to recieve a copy. We can only hope that in the next book she will clear up any plot holes like the ones I mentioned earlier. And I agree when it was stated earlier that the whole Dumbledore is gay thing was a fluke since given the plot holes and plenty evidencee from the books he comes off more as the maniplutive old many running things from behind the secnes while hiding under the veener of a kindly but eccentric grandfatehr. and lastly to Tuftiperkysnext time when you are talking to children that like the Harry Potter series please encourage them to read lord of the rings as it is truly a shame that not enough children read and Tolkien's triology will proably be interessted to them. -
Does anybody know any slash vader/luke fics, no let me repeat that any consenual vader/luke fics I usually don't like incest but this pairing is just hot
I think the fic you're looking for is Come Back to Bed its on HPFandom.net but I don't have a link on hand but you can just search the title its a threesome with Harry, Draco, and Lucius and its complete and Harry goes through anesting phase where he steals anything soft because he's pregnant and his species births are so private and protected that not even his mates know that he's pregnant until people start complaining about their stuff coming up missing and even then they can't find his nest and once they do he moves it but there is way more to the story than that.
I LOVE Lucius/Harry it is definitely one of my favorite pairings but its like LilRinnieB wrote before me there is also the fact that Lucius is unashamedly evil that many people have problems pairing the two together in a harmonious relationship have both characters remain the same but still I LOVE Lucius/Harry pairings
I just found a great NaruSasu story that has none of the crap that you were talking about earlier maybe you've read it already its d/s by hestia
Slashers ... how did you start?
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to teeta's topic in Writers' Corner
I got into slash about sometime last summer I had really just found out about fanfiction because face it I'm a nerd anyway at first I started with the kiddy stuff stories where you insert yourself and while I was looking for one of these stories I stumbled across a SasuNaru fic and instantly I was hooked and have been ever since. But I haven't really given any thought to writing slash until recentlyn and I got my ideas one is from a challenge by Alex for a Harry Potter/Anita Blake crossover and the other is a rewrite of a threesome fic that has seemingly been abandoned by its other and I thought that both ieas would make kick ass stories once developed plus both stories feature some of my favorite pairings. Favorite pairings: HP: ---Harry/any male ---Draco/Lucius -
Teenager cracks government porn filter
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to a topic in News/Current Events
It figures that a teenage boy would bypass a multi-million dollar firewall just to get to porn because we all know he just wanted to see some action and most of you are right schools just by the Norton and MacFee firewalls not only are they cheaper but you'll have a hell of a time trying to bypass the ones in my old school without the libarian's password. And also its not that parents are absent its that no teenager wants their parents around them which is mutual for the parents because honestly teenagers do have bad attitudes -
marry raiden because i'm a power slut and anyone with that much power has to love control date scorpion because you got to love the avenging anti-hero and dump sub-zero because there are really two a younger and an older version and while thresomes are awesome that's too much confusion and since i don't know that much about the girls i'll skip them Harry Potter theme Guys: Lucius Draco Severus Girls: Narcissa Bellatrix Tonks
"fictional character I just fell in love with"game
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to a topic in Forum Games
I have a thing for huey from boondocks and lord voldemort just got to love men with a political minds and enough ambitionto take over the world -
MalexMale Poll
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt's topic in Writers' Corner
When I first began reading fanfics I wasn't that into slash but one day I read a SasuNaru and I've been hooked ever since now all i read is slash its the best thing ever because you can actually see hints to the relationships in the actual novels and shows. I am proud to say that I am a 100%yaoi fangirl -
Pairings that you want to see but can never find
allthethingsyourefusetosay replied to frostbite02's topic in Writers' Corner
my kink is definitely finding harry potter and connor from angel there to my knowledge are only two in existence -
I 'm looking for stories where Harry is a single parent that has been away from the wizarding British world until the day his child boy or girl recieves his or her hogwarts letter and Harry is forced to return but nobody knew Harry had a child -slash stories where the child's other parent is a slytherin is prefered Thank you
The thing about SasuNaru and other yaoi writers is this many of them, not all, are female and the thing about girls is that we are raised with the mentality of set gender roles that are hard for some of us to break out of so when we write the gender role subconciously are transfered onto the characters. And yeah it sucks for the readers because then the characters become mere shards of their actual seleves or cookie cutouts ofwhat the perfect seme or uke should be in the writers mind. That's the way it is for most writers the best advice I can give anyone is to just stick it out with their favorite pairing and eventually you'll find one or two gems out there done by spectacular writers and betas. I wish I coulld reccomend some stories for you to read right now but I haven't gotten to my favorite Naruto stories list on my site yet , but they are out there. Also you just have to remeber its not real just something to take you away from reality for a little while and if it gets to be to horrible to continue on just right your own fic and lead by example because I know some writers are just going on what a semme and what a uke should be based on what they've read in other fanfics.
harry/draco is okay but harry/lucius is so my favorite still if they have to be together harry is the best when he's dominating draco and showing him whose in charge because face it if he didn't draco would walk all over him without a second thought but that's just my opinon