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Posts posted by sephcounttheways

  1. Yo Yo Yo, listen to me now, understand me later:

    DO IT.

    I'm going to throw in out into the universe that I love Ukeroth, but ONLY in situations like 'At Least He's Hot'. It would make me all nice and tingly to read about probably the roughest Sephiroth ever written letting Rufus fuck him. OMG. It's too much, it's too much, IT'S TOO MUCH.

    But for the love of God, let him have a dirty mouth while it's happening. Please. Please don't just make him lie there whimpering like a bitch.

    It almost makes me sad that I know you're going to do this before I read it, because I know if you would have dropped this bomb on me unprepared, I would have been screaming like a schoolgirl.

    Anyways, Ukeroth is go. Please do it!

  2. 7 years ago, I was barely 13 years old, fresh out of middle school, talking on the phone to my friend.

    She goes, "Guess what I found on the internetz?"


    She goes, "A picture of Quatre and Trowa kissing!"

    Blink Blink. "WUT?"

    She printed it and brought over to mi casa the next day.

    Some rusty gear in my brain started cranking. And I've been drawing and writing about hot hunky homos ever since.

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