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  • Location
    Agawam, Massachusetts
  • Interests
    drawing, writing yaoi and slash, painting, traveling, Bleach, Inuyasha, Death Note, Heise, YanaGoya, Angel Sanctuary, Alichino, Fruits Basket, Love Mode, Kyo Kara Maoh, and listening to Jrock

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  1. An orignal sci-fi slash. hmmm... well, that sounded absolutely fantastic but it appears you've already got an offer for a co-writer. Oh well! Que sera sera, right? E-mail me if anything changes! -Kai
  2. Just thought the masses should know that chapter three has been officially added to "Happy Ending" in the Bleach yaoi section. Title: Happy Ending. Author: MibuWolf Rating:Adult++ Summary: All of his life, Ichigo Kurosaki has dreamt of one thing- to have a happy ending. There's only one problem: he has the worst luck imaginable. Kidnapped as a child and brought up in an underground slave market, his dreams Feedback: Desired Fandom: Bleach URL: http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010552 Thank you so much for your time!
  3. Title: Happy Ending Author: MibuWolf Rating: NC-17 Summary: All of his life, Ichigo Kurosaki has dreamt of one thing- to achieve a happy ending. There's only one problem: he has the worst luck imaginable. Kidnapped as a child and brought up in an underground slave trade market, his dreams and body are regularly defiled. When a "prince" does arrive, he comes in the form of one of the most prestigous hitmen in the blackmarket underworld- Byakuya Kuchiki. Can this cold-eyes assassin save him from a world that's determined to keep him?- Alternate Universe Pairings: Byakuya/Ichigo, OC/OC Warnings: yaoi, slash, AU, rape, angst, WAFF (eventually), OC Author's Comment: This story started off as a weird dream, if you can believe that. (laughs) I'm pretty proud of the way it's turning out. As it IS an alternate universe fanfiction, there are several original characters, two of which will be seriously involved in the story as it commences. Please read and review, tell me what you think. My story is posted (prologue and chapter one are up) in the Bleach yaoi section. Thank you! Feedback: yes, please. It's an author's fuel. URL: http://bleach.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600010552
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