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Posts posted by x_crystal_dragon_x

  1. Title: Walking Lines

    Author: The Crystal Quill

    Rating: PG at the moment, but will be NC-17 later on

    Summary: Voldemort seeks the power within a long hidden sithen. What can Dumbledore do about it? How will the newest addition to the Order & Hogwarts shake up the status quo of England’s wizarding world?

    Pairing(s): Snape/OFC mainly, others to be added later

    Feedback: Very much desired and appreciated

    Fandom: Harry Potter/Meredith Gentry A/U

    URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026169

    I'm a prologue and three chapters into this story and would like to encourage some new readers/reviewers to check it out. I'm open to all constructive critisism and suggestions. Hoping to intrigue I've posted below a small section of the prologue. Click the link above to the rest.

    Prologue: A Somewhat Different Time; A Somewhat Different Place


    It was a warm summer night, the sky clear and sparkling with stars as a dark figure moved purposefully toward the unseen mansion that was Number Twelve Grimmuld Place. He, along with all the other senior members of the Order of the Phoenix, had been summoned by Albus Dumbledore to discuss the recent developments in the War with the Dark Lord. The only message the phoenix Patronus had delivered was the date and time, making it clear to all who received it that something truly important was going to be discussed. Remaining silent and wary, he continued on his way, drawing closer and closer to his destination.

    Reaching the designated spot on the quiet street, he concentrated briefly and the hulking domicile appeared from its fold in space. Dark eyes darting in a quick visual sweep of the area, he mounted the front stairs and entered the melancholy doors. Almost immediately he could hear that others had arrived before him, the sounds of multiple conversations coming from the library and an assortment of multicolored cloaks resting on the rack. Making his way silently toward the gathering, taking careful time to avoid waking the foul-mouthed portrait of Sirius Black's mother. Moments before he opened the door, he hoped in the depths of his tired heart that the information he had gathered was false, otherwise the Order and all of the wizarding world, would be in very great danger.

    Crossing the threshold of the book-filled room, he saw the members surrounding Albus, who was sitting comfortably on one of the larger couches. Turning from the conversation he was in with 'Mad-eye' Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Headmaster of Hogwarts looked toward him, greeting him with a little less than his usual cheeriness, “Ah, Severus! Glad to see you've made it safely. With you accounted for, everyone has arrived and we can begin.”

    Taking a seat outside of the tight-knit grouping of chairs, stools and couches, he allowed his eyes to sweep over the group, ending on the old, silver-haired wizard that suddenly looked older than before as he met the man's eyes. Raising his hand to silence the group, Albus Dumbledore began the meeting.

    “It has come to my attention that the Dark Lord is seeking to take control of the abandoned sithen that is hidden somewhere in the Dark Forest,” he said, his voice and countenance going grave. Immediately, the listeners grew just as grave, Molly clutching at Arthur's arm, her normally rosy cheeks going pale. “You all have heard the stories of what the true fey could do, and what they have done. To allow one of their hollow hills to become subject to the will of Voldemort is not an option. We must discover it first.”

    All nodded in solemn agreement, feeling shock as the news sank in at the change the Second Wizarding War had taken. The fey had been banished by the whole of humanity within the Old World of Europe after leaving a desolate crater at the site of their last great battle. In the process they had leveled a community of Muggles and wizards, leaving no survivors in any form and barren land twenty miles around. It was the last straw for the humans. All of the Ministries of Magic, along with their parent countries, united; exiling all who would not abandon fey culture and marry into human or wizard bloodlines.

    It was the last great cooperation of the wizards and Muggles of the Old World, before the contract of silence was enacted. Those fey that had chosen exile found asylum on the shores of the new United States of America, Thomas Jefferson offered them the choice of lands within the country and a place to continue their ways, in exchange for agreeing that the courts would no longer war & that no fey would ever be worshiped as a deity. The Seelie and Unseelie courts departed, leaving their ancestral hills hidden behind layers of faerie magic, in hopes that they would remain undetected. Many wizards and witches had sought to find these ancient founts of wild magic, but none had ever succeeded to known wizard history.

    Once a person stepped inside of one of these places of power, they stepped into another plane of existence; a place where days within would be years on the outside. If Voldemort were able to find and gain control of the rumored sithen within the Dark Forest, he could not only out wait the Order, he would have a pure node of magical energy at his fingertips. Such a thing could easily tip the outcome of the War in the Death Eater's favor, leaving those that opposed him at a severe disadvantage.

    After giving the group their moment to personally assess the news, he allowed his normal cheery grin to appear, “However, I have secured assistance that will do whatever is necessary to prevent this from happening.”

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