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SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt

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Everything posted by SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt

  2. WOOT~! YEAH, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED RIGHT!*Invades straight bar with two accomplces* ANY LAST MINUTE PEOPLE TO JOIN>?
  3. Tuffy....okay, well I find that editing my work to be....work, BUT fun work at the same time. I didn't vote because it didn't have that choice! I think it's not bad to have a beta around but it's also good to see what you need to improve on when you write. Also, editing is considered work for me since I check my work over and over again and over...okay, I think you might get the point....XD anyways yeah so its both for me!
  4. HELL YEAH! I'll be the one with the black trench coat and binoculars!! XD and will be holding handcuffs, rope, gag ball, a neon green didlo and some of that masochistic lube that makes asses burn! BWAHAHAHAHA! LET'S GO HOMOPHOBE HUNTING!
  5. XD, sure, why not?!(and yep, maybe you did!)

  6. I might take you up on that offer..... awesome.....XDD
  7. I mostly like to read/write yaoi but I also read other things like yuri and het. I don't mind reading if it has a terrific plot, I'm cooly like that and because I'm open to almost everything!
  8. Okay....seriously.....I love the fact that people are sharing their thoughts on how they feel useless flames on hating anytype of fic(even though it is based on MalexMale here people! XD), I still appreciate the fact that you all actually took the time to post up your thoughts!*Cheesy grin*
  9. Yes, I am sure that sometimes the "ignorant people" would skip author's notes or any warning and just read the story! Also, one time they criticized plot and said how M/M never fits that type of subject! I was like! WHO THE HELL READ IT IF THEY KNOW WHAT IT IS THEN FLAME IT FOR HATING THE TYPE OF COUPLE!(M/M) So yeah, I am sure that sometimes they do read it even if you put up signs.
  10. The nice smell of Downy and how tommorow is Christmas!
  11. I am so happy! I am happy tommorow is Christmas! I am watching you masturbate!(o_0)
  12. I said fxxx, then I would be rich. A penis is wrinkly just like ____________
  13. anyone else?
  14. Yeah that's right! It is! Lmao!
  15. Oh...my...god....NOOOOO IT STILL HAUNTS ME FROM HIGH SCHOOL GODDAMNIT! *Chucks a jock strap from a guy whom had many hairs and now it is left over on it*
  16. I am an auntie! I am perveted! XD I am procrastinating on homework as I type this very second! I am failing one class because that teacher is baised! I am going to damn her to hell! I am then going to sleep~
  17. o0OO YEAH AND next word is B A D T O U C H (my bad I forgot and reindeer was u kno for christmas thats coming up soon! Lmao XD)
  18. Big Lipstick Using Seals That Eat Radioactive Yodels REINDEER!
  19. Sai from Naruto cause he's mad perverted looking at Naruto's penis like that! LMAO and Madara Uchiha(Sasuke Sexy grandad)
  20. Lmao....hehehehehe....awesome comic! I love how it soooooo resembles any author that has writers block. I HATE when that happens because then you try to mash ideas outta your head.
  21. I agree with the one above me....*points up and pokes*
  22. Lmao hehehe I'ma keep that and put it into my signature!LMSO(laughing my shit out) Awesome! I love that people are so understanding!
  23. I'm so GAY(y'know happy) that everyone is mostly agreeing with what I am saying here! It's true thought you will never escape pointless flames or someone who is going to be a total ass about these types of things and love the quote....hehehehe! Where's the standing up people????
  24. The Bloodhound Gang- The Bad Touch(RMX)
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