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Posts posted by vivilover69

  1. AWWW that sucks! You know absolutely nothing? Are you sure????Then if you ever attempt it ask me to help ya!XD I gotcha back! thumbsup.giftwo_thumbs.gifhappy.gif

    Cool! At the risk of sounding dorky, who is that guy with the bushy white hair who's a total pervert? His name escapes me.

  2. ;D I say go for it. If you think you'll have fun with the idea then do it.

    I've actually meant to read your fics after reading your Freya x Fratley fic. :3

    Ooo, so you liked it? I loved writing that one. I'm not sure if there's going to be another chapter or not...to be honest, I wouldn't know what to write. I'm trying to write a third chapter to Little Angel, Don't Cry.

  3. Maybe I'm obsessed, but I love my titles.

    Merry Christmas, Vivi Ornitier

    was one of the sweet ones.

    Little Angel, Don't Cry

    is going to be a fluff fic.

    Portal to the Unknown

    is likely going to be gross.

    I loved my Willy Wonka fic, if anyone remembers it, it was called

    The Further Adventures of Willy Wonka

    Black Mage Zen

    is just so cool.


    is so QUEEN.

    But, even I have bad ones, as evident by

    Challenge Fic 1


    Final Fantasy Night Live!

    is a spoof of SNL, of course...

  4. Well, the three crack pairings I started in the fic are:


    The Dali kidnappers/Vivi

    Black Waltz 3/Vivi

    Most of the crack fics probably have to involve Vivi anyway. Maybe I should do a Quina/Vivi just for kicks...but then, the only thing that makes that one crack are their enormous size differences.

  5. I so want to do it. I did two crack pairings so far (four if you count the two Vivi/Zidane fics, five if you count Vivi/anybody as a crack pairing).

    I love my Mewt/Babus story, it's so queen.

  6. Sooooo...has anyone ever considered using the minor-Vivi in a real sex story? Like I do? I mean, it's totally hot.

    For one thing:

    He's a doll, not a human.

    For another thing:

    He might be built differently, you never know.

    For a third thing:

    I'd freaking cream my panties seeing that cute little face (or lack of) going down, if you know what I mean. I mean, seriously. Not knowing what's under that hat is the hottest thing ever.

    Besides, he's a cute little bishie. Admit it, you'd love to strike up a conversation with him and see what he thinks of sex. Or, hell, anything. I should collab with someone to write a good porny tale.

    (looks around) dry.gif >_>

    Well, I guess, more than mine, but not so porny that it gets disgusting, if you know what I mean. Does mine need work?

    - vivilover69/Ganymede Pendragon

  7. I've got a story in the works for Final Fantasy. I was thinking of doing a crack pairing story...does anyone think I should do it? I don't get many reviews to begin with. Would anyone actually review and read the crack pairings story if I pubbed it?


    I wrote a story about the Black Waltzes...called "A Wicked Waltz"...

    Does anyone think it's any good?

    - vivilover69/Ganymede Pendragon sorcerer.gif

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