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Everything posted by softwelshrain

  1. I have answered this request by PM. Sorry, sorry, but after this one, I cannot take on any more authors. I'm amazed at the response to my post (worldwide!), and I can only encourage others to offer their services as a BETA. I will repost if and when in the future I am able to take another author I'm so sorry I can't help you all!!!!
  2. OK - here's a resume of myself. Hope it's OK, although some of the content may be a bit sensitive but necessary so that you (AFF) know my credentials. I've skirted round quite a bit of my life outside fandoms! I’m looking for beta work in the future. I am currently working on one story I was a member of the old Yahoo Group, and picked up the current story by reviewing – the author was not actively looking for a beta. Review id no 3000022818, story “Redemption” by Cybergoth, posted in the Yugioh Male/Male category. This is the first fandom story that I have been a beta for. Other reviews that I have posted are (initial ones only): Hazy, Hot & Humid (sglily) id no 3000018252 Next To Nothing (ivoryillusionsx) id no 3000023686 No Words (Naria Lacour de Fanel) id no 3000024339 The fandoms that I most frequent are Yugioh and Beyblade, and know both of these through anime and manga. Other anime that I am familiar with are Bleach, .Hack/sign, Heat Guy, Ai no Kusabi, Earthian, Gravitation, Virus, Wolfs Rain, to name but a few. Manga I am familiar with are Only The Ring Finger Knows, Gorgeous Carrat, and I am an Elite member of Kira’s Fics and am familiar with her works. I do not write fanfiction myself and never have done, I’m afraid that life is too busy. I am, however, an avid reader. I am qualified to “A” level standard in English Language (when it actually meant something), and have lead a business career since leaving college firstly for many years as a PA to the Sales and Service Director of an International Company (American owned), and then for the last 8 years as a Company Secretary to a UK based Society. Both involve communication, report writing, manual writing, article writing, minutes of meetings/AGMs and general letter writing to the highest degree, unfortunately none of which I can link to as none of them will ever appear on any fiction site. The closest I can offer as an example of my proofreading is to go to website www.chapsuk.com, and download the Grading Guideline Booklet from the homepage. With regard to fanfiction, I would say that my strongest areas are spelling (although spellcheck negates that a bit!), grammar, and continuity. Canon and characterization I am comfortable with within my scope of knowledge. The only objectionable content to me would be child abuse, but outside of that I have no boundaries. I volunteered myself as a beta writer as I believe that young (or not so young!) writers should be encouraged and guided, and I would hope that I could help in some way through my grasp of the English language. Nothing is more annoying than a good story spoilt by a liberal littering of spelling and grammar mistakes or that is just badly written, and I believe that help should be offered freely. I particularly admire those writing in English when it is not their first language. My only other comment is that I may not write, but I do the odd drawing, and these can be found on http://feathersinmyhair.deviantart.com/. I would also add that I am British, and that I am aware that there may be slight differences between British and American “English”! My current author is also British and we have an excellent rapport. I can read Katakana and Hiragana (the principle being very close to that of Pitman shorthand), but only about 20 Kanji and learning, so can very slowly work my way through Japanese graphic novels. I also have French as a second language having studied it for 7 years (but not fluent and very rusty).
  3. Thanks for getting back to me - and I confirm that I did read these rules. None of them seem to apply for the situation that I'm in, so I guess it's a toss up between the one-time (although I'm already beta'ing a story and therefore not applying for a new one) and not wanting to become a regular. I'll re-read and then decide Thanks again for the swift reply
  4. I'd like to think that I'm not stupid, but I may have missed something here in the shake up of the site. I was included on the old BETA list and received the news via the Yahoo Group which has now been disbanded. I'm fairly new at being a BETA, but I do have one AFF story that I am currently BETAing and enjoying every minute. Do I have to re-register, or was the old list incorporated somewhere?? Sorry if I'm repeating something I should have read.
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