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    I enjoy writing, sci-fi, and video games. My favorite sci-fi style is conservative tech-level and character driven: think Starship Troopers(the book!) and the Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Anyways, that's the style you can expect from me.

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  1. So this is actually a promotion/announcement for my Empowered fanfic named Empowered: Bound. It is currently here in the general category of the comics section. If you've read chapter one, this is an announcement that Chapter Two is up, and it is based on Big Cosmic Pimpin'. Please read and review, and don't be shy if you haven't read Adam Warren's Empowered. My stories are designed to be a nice intro for newcomers to Empowered AND a fun homage for fans. So please, go there and enjoy it. I know I enjoyed writing it. Oh, and if you didn't figure it out, my icon and sig are pics I made of Empowered. Enjoy the visual aid .
  2. Category Request: Mass Effect Section Category should be in: Games Do you have any stories for it?: Yes, WIP in misc category right now.
  3. Since my previous topic is now defunct, I decided to repost. I hope to be adding a little bit at a time to my Mass Effect fanfic, hopefully some this weekend. It will start to become a little different from the main story in chapter 3 onwards, so if you've played the game you'll see significant changes. Other than that, please continue to read and review, and let me know if you have any suggestions for edits or additions!
  4. fant32

    Mass Effect

    Since my Mass Effect story deviates from 'canon' at this point, I thought I'd take a moment to start a ME discussion thread. First of all, my Mass Effect story will be paced a little differently from the game, allowing a greater degree of character development and, well, sex. I am also going to cut out characters and events I consider non-essential to my personal take on the plot. Chapter One:Eden Burning, for instance, skips much of the side character interactions which would otherwise clutter the story. Also, the other alien allies(Wrex and Garrus in particular, but also maybe Tali) may not show up at all, depending on how I develop the story. Oh, and once the Hunt For Saren is done, I will probably make my own AU sequel to the game. Please let me know what you think about these ideas.
  5. Just a quick ad. First post, BTW. Title:Mass Effect:Hunt for Saren Author:fant32 Rating:Adult+ Summary:This intended to be a fictionalization and elaboration of one possible playthrough of Mass Effect. Xeno, M/F, etc. are all possible. It is going to be closely based on the game's content and then some. Fandom:Games/Misc. URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082134 Thanks all, hope to see some reviews real soon!
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