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Iron Dog

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  1. My current official WIP's are: The lost Cadre: AnK AU fic. Approximately 130K and roughly half finished. In The shadows In The Light: Weiss fic. Approximately 135K and roughly 3/4's done. Saiyuki Serial: Beautifully Broken Evolution: Saiyuki fic. Approximately 150K. It'll be done when it tells me it's done. The Bleach Ficlet: Bleach fic. Approximately 40K. It'll be done when it tells me it's done. Blind Desire: Original. About 47K. Approximately 3 chapters left to write. Balancing Karma: Original. 100K. Approximately 2/3's done. Enchanted Shadows: Original. Roughly 27K. Going through beta. In addition to that, I have things I've had to move to the back burner because it was simply too much to do all at once. Push The Limits: FF8. About 20K. Maybe 1/4 done. Idol Worship: FF7/FF8 cross-over connected to Push the Limits. About 40K. it will end when Limits does. Tasting Transcendence: Original. 56K. About 1/3 done. Dreaming Of The void: Original. About 35K. Maybe 1/4 done. Throwing The Bones: Original. 15K. Prelude and first chapter written. I also write one-shots and songfics and other things that jump out at me. I've also got 3 more original pieces that are lined up to be written as soon as I canfind the time to do them. I don't update as often as I used to as my body protested quite strongly what I was doing by writing like a mad-woman. I also tend towards things of epic proportions so when an individual chapter comes in at 15-20K... updates can sometimes take a little bit.
  2. I've actually had someone email me and ask if they could fanfic my fanfic. That was a little surprising. I'm writing an Ai no Kusabi AU called The Lost Cadre that has the majority of characters as originals of mine. The person who emailed me wanted to take my characters out for a spin. My initial reaction was to clutch my characters tightly to my chest and say no. I didn't know them. I had no idea what they planned to do with m'boys. I also had serious misgivings as Cadre is a WIP and only roughly 1/2 way done. I didn't want to have anybody confused as to what was going on in Cadre should they happen to read this other person's work. I spoke with my betas and some friends and they rightly pointed out that saying no would be rather hypocritical considering I wrote fanfic. So, I gave permission and suggested that the person get a good beta to make sure all the P's and Q's were in good shape before posting. I haven't seen anything posted yet and I never did manage to get an author name out of them so.... I've also had a writer friend fanfic another fanfic of mine (Saiyuki Serial: Beautifully Broken Evolution). I think it's really good and I was blown away that she was moved enough by what I wrote to want to write something herself. I keep bugging her to post it but she says it's not polished enough *rolls eyes*. I'd be quite nervous about people fanficing my original work but I think I'd be less nervous about it if the story was completed. I see it as a form of advertising. And one of the things about getting published is getting known. I got into a number of my fandoms through fanfics so I see it as one way of expanding my reader base.
  3. I post in a variety of places for a variety of reasons. All posts go to my LJ first. I have some things are are actually LJ exclusive. I also have been trying to get my butt in gear to post everything I've written to my IJ and I have things posted to my GJ. A few days later (or when I remember, whatever happens first), I post to AFF and mediaminer. I also post to Kirafics for my AnK work and a friend hosts me on her website (she's responsible for updating that though). I've posted stuff to Noire Sensus (FF8) but they're horrible about when things get posted and don't seem to have any kind of schedule for that. I also have a few pieces that people have asked permission to post/link on their site as well.
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