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Posts posted by danglingdingle

  1. Sorted. Stupid, stupid me didn't realize the categories had changed to more detailed ones. Now I found the right place :)

    Thank you so much for your help and patience!

    No hassle.

    Okay, on the author panel, there should be a menu there that allows you to choose where to put a story.

    I'm looking at my author panel right now and trying to walk through this.

    So you see where it says "Take me to.." and there's a box. You click on TV. then "go". Once it loads, click on "Add Story"

    In the middle section, the fourth item down says "Category" - You want "S through Z"

    Then, in your second box, you choose "Sherlock (BBC)"

    That should upload the story to the correct sub-cat for you.

  2. Where I went wrong, was that I was trying to post to the TV section > Sherlock (BBC) http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=1839 which did not appear in the list. So I went for a hunt for it, and in my haste, posted it to Movies > Sherlock (2009)

    The thing is, that the TV Sherlock cat shows in the list here,

    http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?cat=6 , but when trying to post there, it doesn't exist? o_O

    Should I now delete the post or is there still a way to move it?

    Sorry for the hassle.

    Edit: Deleted the story and tried to post it again to the right section... Which still can't be found.

    The category you are looking for, is it TV or Movie? I ask because if it isn't currently in the archive, you will need to post a request for the sub cat in this sub forum:


    As to moving the story, if it's uploaded to the wrong archive we delete them. As I'm not an author (and I've never posted a story here) I don't personally know how the jump menu works between sub-cats within the same archive, but DG has told me that it's a painless process for the author to do. So since you uploaded to movies, if the sub-cat you're looking for is a movie, then you can reference this FAQ on moving within the same archive:


    Once you've requested the category (and given DG time to create it) then you move it there.

    If it's a TV show, you'll have to delete the story and reupload once the category is created. The only things that get moved instead of deleted are the stories affected by the site crash(es) several years back.

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