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Posts posted by SamayelSlash

  1. LOL! I stumbled onto it by accident. Given that I have friends who are sci fi fans, I'd heard of fanfiction before, but I disregarded it entirely.

    Then i was doing searches for artists for a comic project, and stumbled onto someone who had done art for Jennavere's fics, Dragon Tamer and Veela Enigma. And that was that. A month later I'd read a mountain of H/D and was already writing my own. Even though I write more angst laden material, I still go back to Jennavere's fics because they're like comfort food for the mind ;-)

    The odd part was that I'd been hip deep in slash my entire life and hadn't known it. Mercedes Lackey's novels are very slashable, especially the early ones, and so are Storm Constantine and Poppy Z Brites books. All slashable as hell, and I'd never made that final step into actually writing something myself...until I blundered onto someone else's fanfiction and just got floored by the cuteness :-)

    Lurve, Samayel

  2. I'm pretty much rock solid in the yaoi/shounenai camp, because there is a certain something about being gay that makes it a lot easier. My kudos go out to those who have crossed their own boudaries and write in any categorie...I'm not sure I could. I could probably write the emotional parts, because pining away for a loved one is pretty universal, but beyond that, I'd run into trouble :-)

  3. Who could resist a topic like this? I mean really?

    Twenty years of giving or getting oral sex is bound to have gathered some perspectice ;-) To be honest, I didn't mean to fic pimp, but read pretty much any fic I've written, and there will be some oral sex somewhere. For the perspective of the person recieving oral sex, I' suggest late in Redeem Me, Scratching The Itch, The Heat Series (stories 3 and 4), The Third, or Secondhand Robes The Epilogue. Those at least had moments where the sensation of recieving a BJ was covered to some degree.

    That aside, when I write sex, I have the good fortune to be writing from memory, some of them fairly recent, but mostly fond memories of some of the most amazing people. A couple of old flames in particular left quite a mark on me, and I on them. At least all that effort added up to being able to write slash goodness well :-)

    Hope the stories help, and good luck! Samayel tongue.gif

  4. Holy Carp! What a cool club to be in! What a coolthing to do! Thanks, mad! I'm still geeked that Redeem Me did so well, both in awards at QtP and in reviews on sites. (You should see the record it set at on particular site!! I wrote gift fics for every person that had a review landing on a number divisible by fivehundred.) My worst fear is that pretty much anything I do in the present and future will be overshadowed by that one fic. Even so, happy it went over so well, and I finally have the confidence to work on original material.

    Peace, and be well, Samayel

  5. Cripes, now that I think about it, even though after a couple thousand reviews, there are a couple that stand out in memory as negative and just mean-spirited. Concrit rocks...and helped me so much I can't even count the ways, but trolls linger in the memory just by dint of being different. Until I read that poll, I didn't realize that I could still remember the faint irritation I felt when I read those posts. I just can't figure some people. But...on the bright side, there are just acres of really nice people, with kind or thoughtful things to say, so we clearly have the losers outnumbered by an amazing margin :-) Peace, Samayel huh.gif

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