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  1. And suddenly it works ...!! All by itself. Please disregard my post. Sparrowbirdie Hi I did that, you see. Several times. But suddenly, it worked again. Got a bit nervous there, for a moment. Sparrowbirdie
  2. Hi. Haven't been on Adultfanfiction for a while, and now that I'm back, my membership doesn't exist. My profile is present, but I can't do anything, I cannot update chapters. I have been able to reset my password, but that's it. What has happened? I last updated a story on 2012-06-26. Please help. Sparrowbirdie
  3. So Jack Sparrow and his gang of half demons go to Sparta to look for another tear of God. Have I ever been to Sparta? No. What horrors awaits our good captain? Inspiration, where are you?!!

  4. Looking for inspiration about new Draco Malfoy story

    1. JayDee


      "Draco is a second hand car salesman, in the employ of Swiss Tony. Hilarity ensues."

    2. Sparrowbirdie


      I didn't see that one coming :)

  5. Hi again. Sorry for being absolutely rubbish when it comes to disclaimers. My bad. Again . I have corrected it now. Harry Potter - male male slash : "A morning shag". Sparrowbirdie
  6. Hi I request a new sub-category in Harry Potter/slash male-male section. The request is for Draco/Neville. Can you please establish such a category? Sparrowbirdie
  7. Hi again. Thanks for quick reply once more. I hope I got it right this time. This disclaimer thing is tricky...! Please review. Sparrowbirdie
  8. The Story is: Dark Times for Draco Malfoy, and it's located under Harry Potter/slash male-male. Thanks for the quick response. Sparrowbirdie
  9. I have rewritten my disclaimer as requested, and I hope I got it right this time. Please unhide it. Sparrowbirdie
  10. I'm giving Draco Malfoy a rest for a while. But I've got an idea for a story about Draco and Neville. Am going to let it stew for a while...!

  11. After several requests I have now picked up the old and goodie: Legends of the Treasure Child: Sparrow's Nest. Currently I am re-writing the initial chapter as I read through the first stories about the Treasure Child and discovered several anomalies. For instance: If you can't hide Jack sparrow in Heaven or in Hell or the face of the earth, where do you hide him?

  12. Well, it's a day late, but happy birthday!

  13. Have finally finished the last chapter!

  14. Trying to wring my head around the final chapter about the burning of Malfoy Manor

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