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Posts posted by PurplePopple

  1. If you haven't heard, Fan History Wiki is a fan run project dedicated to documenting the history of fandom. We could really use some help in promoting the project and improving our existing content. We'd really love to see http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/AdultFanFiction.Net improved as no one has really touched it in a while and there have to be things going on on the site that people can help with.

    We'd love it if authors could post links to their stories on some of our terminology pages to give examples for those terms. Pages that could use that include:

    * http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Mpreg

    * http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Adultfic

    * http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Crack!Fic

    * http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Alternative_Universe

    * http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Alternate_pairings

    And really, anything else in http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Category:Terminology

    If anyone has a list of their own stories that they would like wikified, please contact me at laura@fanhistory.com and I'd be happy to help you create them.

    Outside of the blatant use of Fan History Wiki to promote your own work, we could really use some help with writing the history of fandoms like http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Twilight and http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/CSI and a huge number of other fan communities.


  2. Hello,

    Camp Fandom 2.0 is being held is on March 21, and March 22, 2009 at Illinois Institute of Technology, McCormick Tribune Campus Center in Chicago, Illinois.

    Camp Fandom 2.0 is a little convention/conference for the backend up fandom. It isn't so much for discussing your favorite anime as it is for discussing how to get readers for your fan fiction, how to get viewers for your fan art, how to promote your fansite, how to go professional as a fan, how to run conventions, etc. If you're running a fansite and you want volunteers to help or you need a programmer, you should also attend. If you're looking to get involved with new fan projects or you're a programmer who wants to help out a fansite, this is a great chance to find those projects.

    We'd love some additional help promoting the event, finding people who might be interested in presenting or leading discussions, etc. Thanks!

  3. The four head mods had left roughly a month ago. Right now, the entire staff is busy with re-organizing the site, bringing the FAQs back up, fixing bugs, and re-organizing the remaining staff.

    I read that on the main page.

    The only one who can involve the site in this organization would be the owner, and she's got her hands full right now.

    I don't think they are likely to ASK AdultFanFiction.Net and considering the site's experience, I'm boggled so to why not. And I don't they'd want to involve the site in anything. They seem to want to reinvent the wheel. :/ I run Fan History Wiki and part of their proposal involved creating a new Fan History Wiki. Mine's got over 6,400 pages. (This includes a page about AdultFanFiction.Net which if any of the mods ever want to update to make more accurate, I'd love the help with.) There were people who commented about other archives which have dealt with issues that were ignored. Repeatedly. I can't think of a single archivist they approached themselves asking for assistance. If they really wanted to make their archive the new face of fan fiction for the media, why not utilize people who run highly successful archives already. You know what I mean?

    I think the main long-running issue is that AFF is trying to duck under the government's radar. OTW may be able to protect fanfiction, but would they be able to protect adult content?

    I don't think they've even developed a policy regarding what they are going to host. And it's going month five. They're talking about building a legal war chest to protect against all legal challengers. Having run my own archive and seen what people in fandom do, that attitude, and being so open and forward with all the "We're going to protect your stuff! We've got lawyers! We're going to protect fan rights!" just seems... I don't know... vaguely threatening to other archives. Things tend to have a ripple effect, both in fandom and the real world. MySpace had to deal with the pedophile stuff. Then LiveJournal got hit. Now FaceBook is getting hit. And fans when they're grumpy and pissed off can go to TPTB and others to try to get archives in trouble. This happened in the CSI fandom, where some Gil Grissom/Catherine Willows were update at a Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle message board that had Gil Grissom/Sara Sidle friendly spoilers being posted by people nominally connected to the show. Those shippers contacted TPTB who ended up forcing changes on the site.

    And I can't think of a single archive that's really set itself up to have an adversarial relationship with outside forces like that by talking about challenging all law suits. :/

    Getting back to your question, I think, if they hosted adult content, they would use their legal war chest to try to protect it.

    Anyway, thanks for the response. smile.gif

  4. I was curious what the maintainers of AdultFanFiction.Net thought of The Organization for Transformative Works. They're trying to create new face to the fan fiction community, to replace FanFiction.Net in the media's eye. They are also billing themselves as an archive created by fandom, for fandom. Hector Rashbaum wrote a critique here that is not so happy about it. I haven't seen many references to AdultFanFiction.Net in the comments and the research they've done dating back to May of this year. As you've guys have been around a long time and seem to average 100,000 unique American visitors a month, as you've dealt with adult content issues, I'm sort of surprised not to see anyone I recognize from the AFF.Net involved with the project. It seems like, if they wanted to succeed, you should have at least been consulted... but I don't quite know if they did.

    But yeah, are you guys having any plans to work with them or have any of your staff members volunteered to work with them?

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