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Posts posted by NixieD

  1. I'm a very descriptive heavy writer, it's probably due to my start in writing being mostly poetry, and having to write descriptive pieces all through school. I'm awful when it comes to writing dialogue, and it ends up showing, especially in certain situations, like phone conversations, or just general natter, mostly because I'm an absolute plank in those situations.

    For longer works I tend to favour third person, mostly because I'll have multiple characters, and I want to be able to explore all of them more completely. I've written first person in a couple of original snippets, and in a lot of poetry. First person is a style that I do enjoy when written well, because it really let's you get into the characters and the scene very quickly. However some of my favourite pieces that I've written are second person, and I love reading 2nd POVs when they're written well, they give you a bit of insight but leave a bit of intrigue as well.

    Unfortunately the majority of my work is gen and/or not adult enough, so I can't post it to AFF, but eventually I'll get to work on my more adult pieces, and then I'll bombard the site with them.

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