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Posts posted by MysticSong

  1. If I look myself up in the author lists and click to see what stories I've written, I can see my two posted stories, although there is an error here as well.

    (http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=26314 -- under Stories Published, it says I haven't published any, but if you click the link under that text, it will give you my 2 stories!)

    However, if I go to my actual account to edit a story, it says I have 0 stories posted and I have no options to choose from in the drop down menu list.

    What's going on?



  2. Slytherin Selection also hosts fan fiction, and although we're predominantly Harry Potter, any category is welcome. Only restriction is if you read/post adult, you better be adult!

    This site has always been "invitation only" but for the next two months, we're opening the site up to everyone!

    The only thing we ask is that in addition to reading/abiding our rules, you have had your story proofread by at least one person that isn't yourself!

    To reduce the risk of spam-bots signing up for an account, you have to be validated as an author to post. This means (1) When you register you must choose the option in the drop down menus titled 'Reader Only or Author?' and choose "I am registering and was invited to have author status." AND (2) E-mail us using the Contact Us link. I just tested the form to make sure it's in proper working order. Include your email address that you registered with, subject should be "New Author" and in the body of the message include the pen name you registered with and that you joined from the invitation you found in the AFF forums.

    I pretty much live on the computer, so providing no more bad storms come through here and knock the power out again, you'll probably be validated within a few hours (usually less).

    If your stories do not fit into one of our categories, drop us a note via the contact us form and let us know what you have in mind. Please include: what category it falls under (movies, tv, etc), name of the sub category (ex: To Kill a Mockingbird), and third: a character list. Please do not ask for categories for authors that have requested that people do not write fan fictions from (i.e. Anne Rice)

    **Everyone is always welcome to sign-up as a reader**

    Open authorship status begins 20 February 2008 and closes 20 April 2008.

  3. I'm not entirely sure what is meant by "title". I was interested in changing things like being able to put my website address in there, Location, things like that.

    I feel it is unfair I should have to spam some thread to get to do this. One, I've always held to the belief that posting a bunch of, well, crap, to get access is a big 'netiquette' no-no, and two, as I stated in my first post, I simply don't have the time to play games.

  4. I saw a post from last year stating you had to have 20-30 posts to edit your own profile. It was suggested to get a lot of posts by using the game thread (which doesn't appear to exist.)

    I don't know about other folks here, but I'm an adult who works full time and attends graduate school part-time. While I don't object to making relevant posts as needed for suggestions or in taking part in a discussion, I don't have time to play games to 'win' the privilege of editing my own personal information.

    Can we just be mature adults and have this feature unlocked for registered users? I run my own message board/forum (with either the same or very similar board-ware) for my website and I know it's an easy switch in the Admin-console.



  5. I would also like to see a place to respond to reviews. Or barring that, the ability to send a private message to a member (like FanFiction.net offers) while still keeping the member's email hidden (if they so wish).

    I saw one person said "use author notes to respond" -- but the story I want to respond to reviews for is complete! There isn't going to be any more author notes, so I have no way to respond to anyone which is quite frustrating.

    I use eFiction for my website's fan fiction section, and when author's receive reviews, then can reply directly to the reviewer in that box, again keeping the e-mail address of both parties private if they desire.

    I wrote to AFF's admin and got this reply back:

    "There isn't a way to do this right now, but we're working on thinking

    about just how to implement such a thing.

    We have a "Suggestions" thread going over on the AFF Forums -- maybe it'll

    push some more people to put more thought into review responses if you

    join up over there and start chatting about it."

    I hope even if just a few people are posting about it that they'll work a way out for this to happen -- I'm sure there's plenty of authors who aren't in this forum that would like the option. So here's my token "chatting" post --- I don't know about the person who suggested 'chatting' but I work full time and am a part-time grad student so I don't have a lot of time to monitor this conversation. Whether I make one post or fifty, I still want this feature to be added.



    (AFF Pen Name: MysticSlave)


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