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  1. Chapters 4 through 18 posted, story now complete.
  2. Chapter 3 is up
  3. Chapter 2 has been posted.
  4. I have started posting a new story in the Hardy Boys Mysteries section of the Books section. Author: Vinsmouse Title: Discoveries Summary: While working undercover, Joe makes a surprising discovery. Feedback: Feedback and constructive cirticism enjoyed and encouraged. Fandom: Hardy Boys Mysteries Pairing: Joe/OC Rating: Adult Warnings: Angst, M/M, Violence, minor character death, h/c URL: http://books.adultfa...hp?no=600094917
  5. Hey DG, I just, a few minutes ago, received a malware warning from firefox. I placed the site in the exceptions list.
  6. I like what you've done with the place DemonGoddess. It looks really streamlined and neat. As we all learned in school, neatness counts. Thanks. Mouse
  7. I just posted a new story in the Dukes of Hazzard category. It is a crossover, one-shot, between Dukes of Hazzard and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Why yes I am twisted, and thank you for noticing. This is a humor fic, sorry but there is no sex. Reviews are always welcomed and encouraged. Enjoy. Mouse Title: The Rocky Hazzard Picture Show Author: Vinsmouse Rating: Adult, but anywhere else it would be rated Teen Summary: Something strange is going on with Bo Duke. What could it be? Fandom: Dukes of Hazzard crossover with Rocky Horror Picture Show URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095828
  8. Hey y'all, I just completed a new story in the Television category. It's a High Mountain Rangers story. A man with a grudge against Cody comes looking for revenge. Justice Rating: Adult Angst, Torture Complete Author: Vinsmouse URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094223
  9. I really appreciate the reviews so far and the patience y'all have shown. Chapter three is now posted...enjoy.
  10. Chapter 10 finally posted.
  11. Chapter two is up and thanks for the reviews. The more the merrier
  12. Just added chapter 9. Reviews welcomed and encouraged
  13. Thanks for getting the category I requested added. Moved my stories to it. Mouse
  14. Hi, I've just posted the first chapter in a new Dukes of Hazzard story. Title: His Servant Author: Vinsmouse Type: Slash URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094455 Main Pairing: Bo/Luke Warnings: Slave fic, slash, incest, BDSM, oral, anal Rating: Adult++ Feedback: Welcomed, adored, and encouraged
  15. Actually it's kind of both. It ran in 1988 as High Mountain Rangers and came back for the 1989 season as Jesse Hawkes. I mentioned both show names because I didn't want to be legally wrong. I would imagine that just using High Mountain Rangers in the category name would work fine. Thanks, Mouse
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