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Posts posted by Ravenbell

  1. It's simple. Since she pays the bills, this is Jaxxy's site.

    Well, unless you want to buy AFF shares...

    I'm not asking about the damn money. I want assurances that the site's functionality isn't going to depend completely on the whims of one person who apparently thinks her "sunny personality" merits multiple mentions in the site updates. If it's Jaxxy's site, and *only* Jaxxy's site, then I fear there may not be room for the rest of us and our concerns.

  2. Really, my only goal is to keep AFF on the net and to keep the authors and readers happy.

    I'm very attached to it as it helped me through months of pain with a kidney tumor. It was my saving grace during that fearful period. So, even if not for myself, I have high hopes for the future of AFF and am extremely protective of it. That is why I tripped into this when I attempted to contact someone, anyone, to make sure that the domain name was renewed. I had left during the reign of the four and had no clue that this carnage was going on. Considering my protectiveness toward the site, I can't but help try to help get it back on its feet again.

    Snow, if Jaxxy decides to quit the site again tomorrow and insists no one else can play, are your loyalties going to be to her or the the health and safety of our bondage porn?

    Frankly, I'm more comfortable with the idea of a group of people controlling ownership and operation of the site, so the place doesn't turn into some kind of cult of personality the way it is now. I don't see any safety nets here anymore. I don't care who was in the wrong, but I know I'm not comfortable with Jaxxy issuing directives from on high, with no accountability to anyone. She creeps me out with her "happy writing" and her ego-centrism.

    Or to put it as simply as possible, will this be her site, or our site?

  3. I also do not understand why people refuse to acknowledge that fact that Jaxxy owns the site, as well as the forums, and all decisions are made at her discretion, despite the small handful of dissenters.  It's almost as though people have forgotten that this forum is only continuing to stand because of her good graces.

    So where was she? Why did she abandon the site for six months to flounder and struggle in her absence? And why is she only back now, after the trouble has passed and the site is working relatively well again? If you're going to point to the failings of the people who were in charge during the crash, you can't ignore the fact that she did nothing to help the situation. If Jaxxy knew the site was in dire straits, why didn't she do anything *then* if she cared so much?

    I have no reason to trust her. I don't know if she's going to run off again at the first sign of trouble and leave us all in the lurch. It may be her site, but her needs should not take priority over the needs of the members and the users - *that* is what I'm scared of.

  4. Whoa now. Wasn't intended to hurt feelings. I admire a good rant.

    In fact I was just saying earlier that with the current lack of Moderator staff around here I could not understand why a promotion had not already been enacted for The Lurker. So far as I have seen all of the talents required for this role are held by said user. There's the eloquent and passionate defence of this archive and the principles for which it stands, the loyalty to the leadership, and so on.


  5. What the mod did in question was deleted their spamming resignation posts, that's all. You can find their posts in the forum that you saw them at.

    You didn't seem to have a problem with the acccessibility of the resignations two days ago. Or the link that was posted.

    Of course the members aren't going to forget this so easily. Your staff walked out. You think that's some minor glitch you can sweep under the rug? You aren't going to win anyone over by ignoring and covering up the issues. If you really don't want to give us any information, at least have the good grace to stop pretending that everything's all right. It's insulting.

    I'm perfectly willing to wait and see what happens, but from the responses in this thread so far, the paranoia and the culture of insularity are clearly still alive and well. Don't get me wrong. I want all these grand plans of yours to succeed, but you've given me no reason to belive that they will. From that last post of Jaxxy's she made it clear that we can expect site disruptions for the next several months until things are "normal." I think I'm justified in being worried.

    And will someone please tell Rhoda to calm down?

  6. Deleting the mod resignations? Such a stupid, boneheaded move. Makes you look tyrannical and paranoid.

    I don't use the site for much except archiving fic I've already posted elsewhere, so all I'm interested in is the site running properly, which it had been for a while now. Frankly, the loss of such a large portion of the staff is not encouraging, especially since these are the people largely responsible for saving us from the perpetual downtime.

    Jaxxy, you and your "precious spiritual energy" do not inspire much confidence. Stop making excuses and fix the site. Find more techs and mods. Keep them informed so misunderstandings like this don't happen again. Run your staff like a staff instead of some sort of cloak-and-dagger cabal. And for Pete's sake - the site was running fine without you for a long time. If you're so important, put your ego down and get to work.

    I'm tired of excuses.

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