Today was a bad day for me, so I'm not going to even TRY to get the mind working.
However, I must agree with K - Marcus/Armor are in dire need of an upgrade. They don't need a new, shiny talent sprung out of nowhere, but something needs to be improved.
I already see a slight improvement in Marcus - his game face, they way he stands tall, his new backbone. That's what we're looking for! Something to show that M/A have grown too. Something to let us know that they're not going to be left in the dust of the others.
He's an Ancient now - he ought to act like one! He may not be as 'Ancient' as Hiam... er.. Lades.. uh.. Okay, it's impossible to mix the two names together (though I tried). Anyways, he's not as strong as them, but he's still an Ancient. So he should be stronger than he used to be. Sure, he's already stronger than the normal vampire, but even the strong can get stronger, right?
I understand if it's too much work for you, Kiix.. it's just a small request that can be ignored if you have to.