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Posts posted by B.A.Z.

  1. >.> Hey all! Been a member for... um.. two weeks? Maybe? I can't remember! I like Bleach and Naruto more than most other series, and I've written... three fics, I think, and only one's finished! Maybe two. Doubt I'll finish the first one. Check 'em out!

    Well, I guess that's my intro. Thanks a bunch!

  2. Bleh, talk about topic resurrection, but I'd like to get a few bits in as well on this.

    Truth be told, if you watch the anime at least, Jushiro Ukitake recognized the name 'Kurosaki', and so did Byakuya Kuchiki; Byakuya debunked the idea, however, saying to Ukitake (Misquote)"It isn't him; this is a weakling with illusions of grandeur".

    As for what Squad he was the Captain of... well, I don't even have a good guess. I used to think it was the 11th, and he may have simply tricked Zaraki into believing he'd died, but looking at it, that isn't possible; Zaraki got his Captain's haori from the previous Captain as well, while if I'm not mistaken, Isshin wore his bundled up on his left shoulder.

    Well, just wanted to put that out there. :3 Sorry if it doesn't really say much, though!

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