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Posts posted by IceAngel

  1. Alright I'm tired of this now. Listen everyone, yes there are holes in the stories. No matter who's side you want to be on there are holes. If you're on DA then you'll find problems with Jaxxxy's side. And vice versa if you're with Jaxxxy.

    I know everyone is allowed to vent and to tell their side. That's the freedom about this forum. Believe me I'm not tryin to stop that. Childish behaviors like name calling though is wrong to do weither the party can defend him/herself or not. Name calling should not be used.

    I even will give my opinion to this matter. I fully agree with what ladydeathfaerie said. I also agree with Adara of Giovanni's question about the money. I also agree with the fact that everyone should tell what happened and not dodge certain questions. I've seen dodging going on. Vague answers and long- never ending comments to the simple questions. Believe me as a First Class BS'er I know all of the tricks that are being used here.

    I understand that everyone is worried. Heck I am too. AFF has become like a family to me. I've been around for years now (new to the forum though) and have watched it grow to what it is now. I was there through money woes, through 'review and I'll donate for every review I get' drives (heck I left reviews to stories that I had no freakin idea what was going on). I was here when the whole site crashed. And you know what we pulled through!

    I'd be lying if I was to say that I'm not sad that DA is gone. She did so much for us and never wanted anything for it. She worked herself like crazy to get this site going good and took all the shit that people threw at her on the yahoo groups. People would gang up and rant about something minor, and DA would fix it to their liking.

    At the same time I think demanding for the 'whole' story is never going to work. Everyone is going to say what has been said over and over again. Look at the previous posts. They all say the same thing over and over. How many pages do we need of the same story? We are only getting one side of the story, unless you contact DA (or want her email pm'ed to you) you are never going to get the complete story. Even right now we're not getting the whole side of one person's story.

    Can we stop this now? I'm just as confused and lost as the rest of you, but you know what I've done? I clicked out of the pages of notes for Yu Yu Hakusho stories I was sorting. Went to DNAngel and read stories.

    Just go read some good fics. Find challanges that you want to write. Take out your frustration and let your creative juices flow! Write, read.

    After all like what others said we're doing nothing more then shit slinging now. And this is not what a community of adults should not be doing.


    (Also to put an end to DA's side, if you want a copy of her email, tell me and I'll PM it to you so you know.)

  2. So I just have one quick question so I know wheither to continue or not.

    Does that mean the site check with the stories isn't going anymore? Because I had a large section that I was looking over (over 1000 stories). I just want to be sure before I continued or deleted my list.

    Because if it's not going on anymore I'm not gonna finish checking the 27 pages today.



  3. One good thing about AFF:

    It's never boring.

    Ahh yes it is. And this has been what keeps me entertained for years while bein here. *nods*

    I suppose for now I'll just sit back and wait to see what happens and see what stories come from this. We have heard from one side, now to hear from the other.

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