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Everything posted by trekqueen

  1. oops! Yea the author did seem like that and I agree she may have been rather new to the internet or at least crazy fandom people. I did drop her a PM but she never wrote back. Oops! hehe well thanks for the review nontheless! Yea, I've seen some real crazy ones out there, like I mentioned above... I think the gal just hasn't discovered enough of the internet yet... or fanfiction for that matter...
  2. I am so behind... I should post my Kimahri/Auron crackfic for this year on AFF. Just haven't gotten around to doing it!
  3. hahaha thanks, Helluin! I got a review/note from JayDee but I haven't been able to PM back, won't let me on here for some reason. I heard about the article last week the day after it was posted. An online friend who helped me with a few tidbits in the fic happened to see it and sent me an email. Have to say, I was rather surprised but flattered. Luckily I haven't had any trolls but I did notice I've racked up more than 3000 hits in the last week alone. Heh, even though they were making fun of it I know how to laugh at myself!
  4. depends on what kind of trek fan with whom you're talking. There's some hardcore ones at the convention who just love quoting "Brain... What is Brain?" yea it's bad I remember that...
  5. heh, true but even we trekkies do call it in passing conversation the 'classic Star Trek' so it works still.
  6. good idea! yea I know late to the party as usual...
  7. Ok I totally suck for never making back here. Talk about long time no see... my apologies for never coming around again to answer questions. Life got busy... Yea, the grammar is intense but I think it has helped me a lot with my proper English too. It makes everything so much cleraer! I studied German in high school for four years then finished my BA in German in college with my BS in Computer Science. I also did two exchange trips, each in those respective schools. Hubby and I went to Europe last year and went all over the place including Germany, Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia... to name a few. The taxi driver we had in Poland spoke better German than English so he just conversed with me that way and was rather surprised to find an American who spent time and money on the language (though I seem to get that from Germans too, even the German lady I spoke with at the Sequoia National Park in June). And yes, ack... so long ago... I was very excited about the resulting stories in the Slashy Santa. My story kind of... well took off and went out of control. My Ardor in August story did not help much either so now I have another bunny prodding me! My Dutch friend is actually on here too (known as Rhapsody) but we both are kind of flighty about making sure we get in here. So much to do! As for 'ugly' languages, I'd have to say Tagalog just sounds icky to my ears. Though I love my German! Spanish is plain to me but then again I pretty much live in Little Mexico aka Southern California.
  8. Trek can be fun to write even without knowing everything. Though I've seen nearly every single episode ever aired (except Enterprise, that blasphemy of trekdom! DIE!), I usually get by pretty well without having to look up something but once in a while, since I do typically stick with canon characters, I look up things that have to do with their backgrounds and might have only been made in very small passing in some vague episode in season 3 of such and what while so and so was sitting in the jefferies tube talking with geordi. *shrug*
  9. I've studied German for many years and know it fluently but I haven't gotten into any fanfics written in it yet. However, I have a Dutch fanfic writer friend and I've glanced a bit at some of her original stuff in Dutch. Might wander eventually though to read some of the fics of my favorite fandoms eventually though.
  10. I don't have a favorite pairing to read but I do enjoy many of Eresse's pairings like: Elrohir/Legolas Elladan/OC Legolas Brother Elladan/Imrahil Other's I've enjoyed have been: Glorfindel/Ecthelion Elrond/Gil-Galad I've recently been intrigued in writing Thranduil/Elrond (first age) and Thranduil/Rumil (second/third age). Though my personal favorite to write has been my Star Trek/LOTR crossover with Elrond/Jean-Luc Picard
  11. Thanks! it is good to be back.
  12. I have returned (again) though I didn't use the key to get in last time. So since I had to reregister again here... I said what the hell and got the password. *waves* anyone still around?
  13. Interesting situations you guys have. It is a bit annoying when people assume things especially the age situation. Eve, I think you handled it well. Pixagi, yours reminds me of someone I've had a couple run-ins with recently with condescending/veiled-insults reviews. The best thing is to ignore those people because it is all about attention and pumping their egos and selfishness. My recent rude reviewer in question (not on AFF, FFnet but that's kind of expected eh?) tries to give "advice" but in the end, when one reads it carefully, there are well-phrased and placed hidden jabs. I thought I might have just been a bit sensitive but after writing to that person and receiving a PM, I saw I was right all along because she was a bit more obvious with her rudeness. Plus, she tried to "blackmail" me to modify my fic so that she would add me to her favorites. Geez I'm not that much of a review/friending whore. She even has a place in her forums where she flames and puts down people who don't kiss her feet and the ground she walks on after she "helps them". Yea... great reviewer indeed...
  14. Chapter Eight has been updated.
  15. dude that's awesome... I want that shirt even if I don't wear it but just to have it for the sake of having it. Hubby started picking up on my Trek-ism sayings the longer we've been together and his favorite phrase has to be "red-shirted". He even busted out one when we were watching a new episode of 24 and Jack Bauer took down a terrorist that was sent to guard the back door while the other two guards went somewhere else then Jack took him down and broke his neck within 5 seconds. Hubby then yelled "That terrorist got red-shirted!!!!" gotta love it
  16. trekqueen


    hey look I returned from the semi-dead. anyone still out thre?
  17. well if you want me to take a look at anything I know a bit about databases...
  18. Yea seriously... I was here in April!! That's screwy. All my money points I had are lost and all my other stuff as well. What exactly was the problem? I don't get it really cuz I even see a friend I cajoled into joining and she only last posted back in January yet I was here much more recently than that but her account is still in working order. Maybe next time you guys can send an email warning or something? I know there's lots of members but geez... at least give us some warning for those of us who were barely gone 3 months!
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