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Everything posted by Schmetterling-Meeko

  1. Writing sex scenes in fiction here is fun, because you have to curve those desires in stories that are outside the erotic field. I like writing what I consider to be smutty, given the way I was brought up, certain things were very hard to say so I thought I was doing well with a little play. Now I enjoy it fully, but I'm still not sure my stories would be considered smutty for the viewing audience. Just to add more, because of the "smut" issues, there are some stories I've wanted to share on this site, but haven't because I think it would go over looked due to the fact there isn't sex in it. So I don't post them, though I would like them looked at. My cousin said he's having the same issues.
  2. I'm with you on that one.
  3. I'm a big fan of both. I like to switch off writing and reading to get any work done in a day's time. I've recently bought a number of books, two that are research, but the others are just for fun reads. I haven't been able to get to them though because I have so many suggested readings that were either emailed to me or I have books given to me by friends that I need to read first. I like reading, but balancing the writing and reading takes most of my day so television has been put on the side. I tried watching it last night and just didn't find it that enjoyable.
  4. This is great. I really enjoy reading what you all found. I have a few good titles for the stories I'm trying to get published, but a few of them I just don't really want to commit too. It just seems better than calling them book 1 or book 2, etc... Maybe it's the creative side that says, 'Come on, find something to call the book until you can think of something better.'
  5. I found lately that there are a lot of things I'm having a harder time writing, but that is when they consist of really emotionally draining moments. Rape, murder, abuse, extreme violence, emotional issues, etc. I'm writing an attempted suicide scene and that was difficult. Fighting is difficult too, but I think it's because so much is going on in that moment.
  6. I have a few reviews that just seem to pull me through those really hard self loathing writer moments, you know, those ones that make you want to chuck the whole story out the window, including the computer. There are a lot of stories I haven't shared, but the few that I have, I'm really glad for the comments. My favorite comment came from a really sarcastic bloke. I can never tell if he's serious or not, and his comment could have been a put down, but when I read it, I laughed so hard and at that moment it's just been my favorite comment on my work.
  7. You can acknowledge that fan fiction is being made of your story, but to read the fan fiction written can cause legal problems. I wish I had some websites to the court cases on the subject caused between disagreements with the writer and the fan fiction writer. It's all really personal choice on the subject. Professionally, my personal opinion is that I wouldn't acknowledge it though it is flattering. So if it happened, it happened, I don't think I would press charges as long as it didn't interfer with what I'm trying to achieve as a writer. I know a few cases and have run into it, where a fan fiction writer is actually making money off of rewriting an author's work. Author's don't make much money as it is. Your first book, if you are lucky might sell for between 5,000 - 10,000 dollars. The publishing house has to make that money back by selling your novels before you get royalities. If someone has rewritten your novel, you are pretty much halving the cost of your intellectual work.
  8. I didn't read over what everyone wrote, but maybe I will when I have a little more time. You've probably heard of this before, but carry a note book and write down even the slightest budding of an idea. Sometimes I get an idea from a lyric in a song, a picture I've seen, a movie I'm matching, or sometimes I get character ideas from the friends I'm hanging out with, or people I see out in public.
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