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Posts posted by toxictattoo

  1. I think I'd try most anything if the inspiration hit but one I would find supremely uncomfortable to write would be castration.

    [reads the last few responses] Okay...add the blog thing to it. I have a live journal and I do post what parts of my life I'm comfortable sharing (I am a shameless attention hound) but...as a fic? Um...no thanks.

  2. I really think it depends. Sometimes, describing things like you focused on, sound and texture, the touch and feel of things beneath fingertips, are important to a scene.

    Engaging the senses are important to writing a compelling scene.

    However, it bogs down and moves into the ridiculous when the description of clothing comes down to an inventory of what the writer loves from Hot Topic (or favorite trendy clothing store of choice).

    Some writers haven't figured out the balance yet and feel like if they describe clothing in order to create a greater sensory experience for their writing, they are falling into the Hot Topic Trap.

    Of course, if it becomes the main focus of your writing, then you are going to leave behind those writers who really would like you to 'just get on with it already'.

    It's all about moderation and focus and skill.

  3. Hi! Um...new on the board so and thought I'd toss my hat into the conversation.

    I actually blundered into it. I remember it fondly. It was right after the first episode of Star Wars (The Phantom Menace) and I was ravenous to read more about Darth Maul. I went googling and found the Darth Maul Estrogen Brigade archive (which, I believe is now defunct [sads]).

    Don't remember exactly how I felt about it at first except thinking...'wow, the internet IS for porn!' It wasn't exactly like any of the gay porn I usually [cough] read and fell in love with the writing styles of those talented writers.

    From there, stretched out into Gundam Wing, which was my first foray into writing it myself.

    Been around ever since, bouncing from one shiny fandom to the next. So much slash/yaoi material, so little time. [sighs dramatically]

  4. Yo and hey. New guy in the house. That'd be me.

    I write as toxictattoo here in aff.net and on LiveJournal. I've been with aff.net for a few years now, ever since the ff.net NC-17 purge and have always loved lurking around.

    I'm an averagely prolific writer, with huge amounts of downtime due to either writer's block or simply no RealLife time to do so. PWPs and yaoi/slash mostly. What can I say, I dig the sex.

    My interests change as wildly as the weather, I have more fandom interests than I can keep up with and anything new that comes along will instantly attract my attention if it's shiny, sparkly, or pretty.

    Look forward to engaging you all in conversation throughout the board.

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