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Posts posted by midnightphoenix

  1. I'm trying to write my Naruto fanfiction, and I plan on having an Itachi/OC pairing as one of the various pairings in the story. My question is, does anyone know of any resources that I can research so that I can properly write Itachi, and not have him be glaringly OOC? Or do you have any tips that helped you with a story that you were writing with him in it? Anything would be appreciated!


  2. I'm in the process of writing fanfics for different animes. I'm writing for the following animes:



    Yu Yu Hakusho

    Yu-Gi-Oh!/X-Men Evolution crossover

    I need someone who is familiar with the above shows. There isn't any warnings that I can think of. I do like to write drama/angst and I'm not too good at writing comedy. Basically, I want my beta to make sure that the story is flowing smoothly and is probable in the canon storylines that I'm writing for. Also, I am making OC's for these fanfics and I want to make sure that the character is believable and stays true to the anime that I'm writing for. I do plan on pairing the OC with a canon character, but I make certain that it is one who isn't with another canon character that I know of.

    Any help would be appreciated! :D

    You can write me at sesshiesanimegirl@yahoo.com

  3. This is exactly what I'm worried about whenever I write OC's for any of my stories. For one that I'm writing, my beta said that it screamed Mary Sue to her, but I've had positive reviews on the story (it's on FF.net). That's what makes me wonder...if people are liking it, I'm assuming that I'm doing something right with the character. I accept positive criticism about my characters/stories, because I want to make a high quality story.

  4. This is also another reason why the whole MS issue irks me, because it's my belief that just because one is a fan of a show, that doesn't mean they have to accept all of what was presented, canon couplings included.

    I'll site The Real Ghostbusters cartoon series as an example. The writers of the show wanted it so that Egon, one of the GB's, would eventually be dating Janine, the secretary. But I am not a fan of this coupling, because I don't think Janine is a right match for him. Egon is eccentric and scientific and at times, aloof. A potential girlfriend would have to have a lot of patience in dealing with someone as eccentric and aloof as he is. It's also been theorized that Egon may have had an Autism Spectrum Disorder such as Aspergers Syndrome(but that's another matter entirely).

    While Janine at times was a bit bookish and nerdy, she had some annoying qualities which really frightened Egon, she came across as flighty at times, and it also seemed to me that she didn't take a genuine interest in his hobbies and things that he liked. Now does that mean I hate Janine? Not at all. Plus, if theory of Egon having an ASD is true, then I don't believe that Janine would have enough patience to deal with someone with an ASD(believe me, I live with it myself, and you gotta have the patience to deal with me!).

    But, while it took Egon a few years to "like" Janine in that way, and to admit it, of course it would be OOC for him to believe in love at first sight with any other potential date, which is why I've had to make several revisions to the fanfics I wrote and published at FF.net, that feature the OC I introduced that I've wanted to eventually set Egon up with. However, due to problems with people(most of them hardcore E/J-ers) that think they own the GB-verse, who think that because they're better writers and as such, feel that alone gives them the right to dictate to others what to write, I've quit writing GB fanfiction altogether.

    I know, this is why I was kinda apprehensive to even start posting my stories featuring OC's. It can get scary when you're attacked by rabid fans of the series. :think:

  5. As I'm reading these posts, I'm feeling some new hope for the OC's that I'm writing for my various fanfics. My beta even said the same thing, that most people view an OC pairing up with a canon character as a Mary Sue. In my opinion, I think that as long as the character is well written (has flaws, etc.) then the pairing could be plausible. That's why I try to pick canon characters who haven't been paired with another character to see what I could make work.

    I make sure to do my research ahead of time and plot everything out that I want placed in my story. Doing this helps me to make sure that I don't make the characters OOC, even though I'm placing an OC in there. Being a fan of said show helps a lot, as well!

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