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Everything posted by NefertariAran

  1. ...sorta hard. If you think that's bad ____________.
  2. cheap
  3. I am no longer allowed to drive the minivan through Taco Bell's drive thru ever since I took out one of their little monitors that tells you the price at the price window.
  4. NefertariAran

    I Am...

    I am... working on a plot for my story watching 28 Days Later talking to my bf
  5. I've had so many weird dreams it's ridiculous. Probably one of the freakiest one I've had was one where I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and spiders start crawling out of my underwear. I toss them on the floor, run out of the bathroom, turn around, and my panties turn into this giant spider that hisses at me. I have some bad arachniphobia, so you can imagine how much this freaked me out. Some of my dreams from when I was younger were freakier than some of the ones I have now. One involved me walking through the forest, finding a log cabin, only it looked like a nightclub on the inside. My dad and my grandfather were talking to this man who had glowing orange eyes. I look away, then look back, and the man had a dogs head and was talking normally. And neither my father nor my granfather noticed. I also dreamed a scene from Final Destination...only it was years before it came out. I remember watching that movie, seeing the exact same scene that I dreamed when I was 12, and thinking 'oh holy shit'. Those would be the 3 strangest dreams I've ever had.
  6. Personally, I hate Mary Sues. I define them as overly perfect, overly powerful characters who have no drawbacks or consequences to said power or perfection. They are, what those of us in the trading card game world would call, 'broken'. They can beat any canon character at anything, and every canon character just adores her for it. However, I don't think it's fair when an OC is automatically labeled a Mary Sue. Granted, for every decent, well developed OC there's usually about a dozen more Mary Sues just waiting to rape whatever canon they set their sights on. One of the arguments I've heard is that if the OC is involved in a romantic relationship with a canon character then they're a Mary Sue. Personally, if you can find a way to reasonably place and OC with a canon character, without making the canon character OOC, then go for it. Some canon pairings are just cringe worthy, so if an author wants to mess with that in a believable fashion, I don't see the problem with that. Ok, my rambling is done.
  7. Well, I'm a Sagitarius who can't decide whether or not she wants to switch her major. As for the hobbies: spending time talking/being with my boyfriend (long distance relationship and he occasionally comes into town), writing, playing xbox (Knights of the Old Republic, Tetris, Tomb Raider: Legend) and PS2 (Soul Calibur III mostly, I'm addicted to that game), playing the piano and learning to play bass, Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh!, watching anime and Star Wars like it's my job, reading, and listening to the metal music channel my cable service provides for new bands to download.
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