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Everything posted by Double

  1. I'm writing a Kingdom Hearts fanfic called Twins Description Riku has moved to Destiny Island where he meets Sora. Everything was going great for him until his twin brother Seth shows up. Deals with other family issues too. Pairings RikuxSora, OCxSora, SephirothxCloud, LeonxCloud The fanfic is in progress and almost finished. I think I have about 3 chapters or so chapters left if you are not too busy I need someone to help me with my grammar and spelling errors. If you are interested please PM me, or email me at shinigami_no_tenshi_13@yahoo.com I'm grateful for any help I can get. Thanks.
  2. I need a beta who I can bounce a few ideas off of for my Kingdom Hearts fanfic called Twins. Would you be interested in that?
  3. Title Twins Description Riku has moved to Destiny Island where he meets Sora. Everything was going great for him until his twin brother Seth shows up. Deals with other family issues too. Pairings RikuxSora, OCxSora, SephirothxCloud, LeonxCloud Warnings AU, Yaoi, M/M, anal, oral, abuse, slight mention of Non-consent, incest The fanfic is in progress and almost finished. I think I have about 3 chapters or so if I could get someone who would help me out until the end that would be great. I need someone who can help me with spelling and grammar. Things like tenses in a sentence and homophones. I have a tendency to type something like shun when I mean shone, apart instead of a part. If anyone is interested let me know. Response here, or PM me, or email me at shinigami_no_tenshi_13@yahoo.com I'm grateful for any help I can get.
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