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Status Updates posted by teeta

  1. Hihihi, ok, I'm not teasing you anymore, nighty and be good, don't kill yourself too often, too.

  2. Once, nice *pats on the shoulder* I bet I was like ... half killed already?

  3. A few of them, most probably, nod nod, Anyway, now I'm off to bed and you have fun trying to kill me. If you succeed, send me a notification, otherwise I won't believe.

  4. Can't wait, bring it on, fufufufu! And if I'm gonna limp, you're gonna need crutches!

  5. One more, my precioussss ...

  6. Lots, I guess ... *scratches head* I'd say at least 150, all yours, not stolen *smirks*

  7. Ahem ... so it was pointed out to me that I'm a wooer ... errm, so I just want to straighten it out, I'm not. Not wooing anyone, just doing spring cleaning, thank you.

  8. Well, it is tomorrow for me already and ... you're gonna be on your own there, coz I won't be online, most probably :P Anyway, have a good time *goes checking if can kill*

  9. You're welcome and good luck in the game *hugs*

  10. Just happened to have around 20,000 unused potions, so gave them away!

  11. And god damn, I'm NOT a wooer!

  12. Not much of a choice *shakes head* so kind of ... well, at least I don't have black conscience, and you get to have more fun. They were just piling up there, not used so ... *shrugs*

  13. On the bright side, I was cleaning my inventory today.

  14. Yup, most of the time, hihihi! Just kidding but when writing, I like to make breaks *shrugs*

  15. Aaaaand!!! AT LAST!!!

  16. *still waiting ... and waiting ...*

  17. Hihihi, the trick is ... Laaerie attacked you and for some reason, this game thinks she and I are the same person. Two comps being read as one, isn't it weird? So I need to wait.

  18. *wondering if I should go on a killing spree ...*

  19. Yeah, whatever, hihihi! And paying you back for getting me off guard :P

  20. The whole stack of them, in fact :P They were interesting!

  21. Ah work ... having a time off here, the only positive side of my work is that we have quite a lot of days off.

  22. Popping in to say a quick 'helo' :)

  23. Sixth sense *smug smile*

  24. And you swallow *cheeky grin*

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