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Posts posted by limebubbles96

  1. So like, you guys serious?

    The sequel to an awesome "horror" movie comes out and no body jumps to write some awesome sexy torture fiction about it?

    I mean, there are all those joker/batman torture fics where joker cuts the batman a new one, so I know its not about the gore factor.

    So I offer this challenge because the 3 fics in the hostel category are just really not doing it for me, and i know there are people who want new ones too.


    Subject: Hostel

    Chapters: 2+

    Characters: Stuart/Beth

    Plot: Well, I hated the fact that Beth got away, so lets take it back to where she should have been and have a little fun. Beth doesn't actually get away and puts up with being raped by Stuart, only to then go through a painful and graphic set of procedures as Stuart begins to come into his own and realizes how much he loves to torture.

    someone really needs to get on this, and I don't mean me. I have no time to write, I'm a full time college student.

    D: plox?

  2. Title: Honey.

    Author: Baracuda boy

    Rating: Adult++

    Summary: Harry is suddenly put in an awkward situation none other than his professor Gilderoy Lockhart and the repercussions are beyond anything he would have liked to think about.

    codes: underage (shota), foodplay, bondage, dark, obbsession, anal, oral

    Feedback: Yes please! I've been on adult fanfiction for quite a while and am now just getting back into writing. This is an old story of mine and i want to bring it back to life and add more chapters if people really like it, and even if not, tell me what you think!

    Fandom: Harry Potter

    URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600009798

    IMPORTANT: Yeah, yeah. Your shaking your head right now wondering how anyone would want Lockhart in a story right? But wonderful lockhart is my favorite character and i ask you if anything to just try out my story if at least to tell me how my writing style is.

    If you are actually a fan of Lockhart then I am excited to know that at least I'm not the only one on aff who wants another ff catagory under the harry potter m/m section.


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