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Everything posted by misslala

  1. In essence, this new method of posting isn't working, in my humble opinion. I beleive that all authors should equally have their stories at the top of the latest page, not based around the time they post. There is no perfect way to handle this, I understand. The ratings for the stories aren't showing up in the main page, the font is hard to read, and people adding ten damn warning codes stretches the screen. Now, that is because they are daft, I'd assume and no fault of the administrators. Have you ever considered using the efiction platform to prevent having to police all posts based on the time they were submitted to the server, etc? Efiction is free. I would almost deal with idiots bumping their stories than see a new chapter for a story on the 4th and 5th main pages. If you read often, that's how people look for updates. I am upset that the groups are gone and that everyone seems content with the issues. I'm angry because I pay this site to run and I feel shat on by the admins. I don't mean to be rude about this, but the issues are ongoing and I'm tired of seeing it. I've been around this site for years and frankly there are many more well maintained ones that put AFF to shame. The growing number of posters with abhorrent spelling/grammar issues is spreading and it's getting old. I'm angry because if I pay for something and it doesn't work, I want results. I'm sure as consumers, you understand. Thank you for listening.
  2. Okay, I know there's been a shift in power recently and all that, but now that all of the forum mods have resigned I'm just a little pissed off that I've donated money to this site to keep it running and now it's in bloody shambles! The main page is fucked, stories are getting jostled all over the place... and now the forums are practically unmoderated. I don't know what's going on, but this pisses me off just a little. If you need help, ask for it, something, but don't leave us hanging in the balance with technical issues and the sort because of some ego problem. Dark Avenger and the others were always courteous and very reponsive to the needs to the users on the site. A little help here?
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