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mistress of yaoi

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  1. There are alot of problems with these child pornography laws in australia thats for sure. As a yaoi fan i'm in a bit of a mess at the moment, the latest yaoi release from japan anime wise happends to be shota. Under australian law this is kiddie porn. Now i'm not saying i support child porn but arnt these laws here to protect children? If no child is harmed in the process then whats the harm? I'm not saying i go out there looking for shota or loli porn but theres a different between a cartoon/anime and something filmed live right?
  2. will the arcade be back?
  3. and mistress loves you name Nekoii! I think i understand at what your trying to get as well, i think the real problem is keeping this kind of material out of the hands of fragile young minds yes? I dont even feel comfortable letting my 18 year old sister read my yaoi stuff. shes all like twincest ewww.
  4. this is why i write everything out on old fashion pej and paper first and if not i always print off copies of what i have written on my laptop or desktop computer. Stored in a folder, yeah its kinda sad but it stops things like this from happending. Though goign back and reading some of my old stuff i'm like 'oh god thats right i use to write mary-sues'
  5. I personally and i can not talk for other fanfic writers and readers or for that matters any writter in general, but i started fanfic writting and reading as an escape into fantasy from my own at the time harsh reality. Though my reality hasnt improved much since then, I enjoy the escapism that these story give me. As a writter i enjoy occasional pushing the bounderies between what is taboo in this world and the world i write in if that makes sense. I have written rape, incest, child abuse and many other things in the past,, but i do not condone these acts in anyway. As for safe sex well it kinda kills the flow to have one character stop to put on a condom or diaphram. Stories dont have to be reality and thats what makes them such a great escape from said reality. The problem lies i think when people take these sometimes violent and otherwise controversial storylines and plot to heart. We write fun dont we? Any oen who takes these themes too strongly should not be reading or writting this stuff to start with. Writting and reality are to things within the world of fiction that jsut dont mesh, fiction is our own escape into fantasy. People use to love reading books like treasure island and sherlock holmes, but did those people grow up to become pirates or vigilante detectives? I think not.
  6. this is for all my fellow australians, its official people Julia is our prime minister! do you think shes a good choice and is this outcome what you hoped would happend? I mean i personally dont like the whole mining tax thing but other than that i'm happy
  7. quick question and i just know i'm gonna sound like a total n00b, whats a strumpet?
  8. It can be hard on a site like this i suppose to have a place where we draw the line because that line can be different for everyone depending on where in the world we are and what kind of morals we have grown up with and accepted within our own lives. That being said i dispise the stories involving toddlers and young children but if thats what you want to write write it just dont expect me or others like me to read you work. I wont flame of course because that would be wrong and i wont troll you for what you write. At the end of the day though whatever is agreed upon by the mods of the site we still have the choice of what will read and what we wont if something isn't popular nine times out of ten it wont appear again yes?
  9. Yes thats the story omg do you know the link?
  10. I dont tend to tak bribes. if i did though, how much cash are we talking?
  11. I am no longer alowing myself to consider redsliver an intelegent user....
  12. Cynd lauper - girls wanna have fun
  13. did i just walk in on a convo on condoms?
  14. weird al - dare to be stupid
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