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Everything posted by renegaderaine

  1. I think that polygamy should be legal as long as all involved consent. However there would need to be strict laws in place for things like insurance, as it pertains to a persons spouse. Also taxes, etc. would need regulations pertaining to polygamists. I am in an open marriage. My husband has several girlfriends, and I have several boyfriends. We are both perfectly fine with this. The other relationships in no way detract from our relationship with each other. If anything, it makes it more enjoyable by removing some of the pressure to meet each others every need. I do not harbor nay malice toward his girlfriends for taking his time, nor they me for being married to him. It's all about how mature one can be, and if they can set aside jealousy and status.
  2. Read it a long time ago and loved it...and lost the bookmark when my computer bit the dust **cries** Kurama was Karasu's prisoner, and he tried to escape at one point, and Karasu did a number on his feet. There was a chapter called tainted fruit, I believe. In the end Kurama is rescued, only to commit suicide. Ringing a bell for anyone? Pweeez!
  3. Perfectly understandable, please take your time!
  4. Okay, thank you very much. It's kind of a Torn-between-two-loves kind of a story, and even though as far as intimate scenes go there's only a couple that are het, I think it might be better suited for the general category. I have moved it there, and ask ever so kindly that it be merged so I don't loose all my loverly reviews and ratings! Thank you so much in advance! I have much respect for you and the rest of those who work so hard to keep AFF a well organized and happy place! I promise to be more careful when posting stories in the future. (Truth be told I had no idea that it was going to be a love-triangle thing until the third chapter lol) The Original: http://yuyu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000023 The one moved to General: http://yuyu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600201382 Thank you again!
  5. Hello, I know how to move a story and request a merge, but before I do that I thought I'd ask if I should. I posted a story in the YYH>yaoi zone. It contains both Yaoi, and Het, but the majority is Yaoi, so I was wondering if I should move this to the general category or leave it where it is? Thank you for your time, I know you're busy! -Raine
  6. I too have Yahoo messenger, and believe me, it is also spread that way! Consider the fact that programs such as trillion are out there that allow users to chat with people on MSN, AIM, Yahoo, etc. all from the same application, therefore no messenger is safe. I had the Trojan version of the antivirus2009 virus, and was able to get rid of it with malware bytes, however, I had this other version of it to, and all malwarebytes did was take away the main source, so I no longer had symptoms of it. However, I was asked by a friend why I had tried to send her a file over the weekend, and I hadn't been online at all, I had remebered reading this thread and asked her to not open it, then sent messages to everyone on my list. I ren both programs, and want to say a big thank you! Now I have to figure out how deal with another little problem that A squared found but wasn't able to fix lol. Oh well, so is the life of computer user, right? DemonGoddess061~~ I reposted a portion of your post on my website's forum to let people there know about it. I hope you don't mind Thanks again!! -Raine
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