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  1. Thank you! I'll give it a try and post back if I have luck with that strategy. Logging in as a member... I hope the solution is as simple as it sounds.
  2. Say there isn't any chance of you getting cheap server-space somewhere like Brazil is there? Would that make the verification process go away? I’m the only person who uses my computer, I’ve checked my cookies and double-checked them, even triple checked them. My verifications have an average 24-hour life expectancy (sometimes as much as 72-hours) and I can’t do anything about that. As such, since I am one who likes aimlessly wandering through sites, and have been trying despite the verification process trying to dissuade me thus far… I quit. It wins! I’ve noticed my visits dwindling and aside from that I’m usually a very patient person, but I nearly put a shoe through my monitor last month...not good for a laptop…maybe I was hormonal or something… The point is that verification (rinse, repeat) feels like it is bordering on harassment, even though I know it isn’t. I code and ever since that shoe incident, I have been trying to come up with ways to simplify the verification process… no success yet (if I do, I’ll be certain to send the webmasters something useful). I’ll be back, I know I will, it is just a matter of forgetting that verification process once every six months or so; or having the 'problem' fixed. In the meantime, I’ll just delete my bookmarks and favorites lists to avoid temptation. (I like my computer, it is the only one I own.)
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