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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Guilty - my ex's my space pic comes to mind. G/NG - has been tempted to make a MySpace?
  2. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    GI Joe (Cartoon)
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am going to go read the Orgy. I am on pins and needles to read what Red has in mind. I am thinking I'm going to have some nice dreams tonight.
  4. I haven't either. I have never wanted to turn back time and redo a period of my life.
  5. Sleeper-car
  6. North
  7. They do warm up pretty quick. Was that too much information?
  8. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    See Jane Fuck Dick (VERY naughty book)
  9. Tim the Tool Man Taylor
  10. Guilty - G/NG - has someone they want to go skinny dipping with.
  11. 5939
  12. I have - a rather smelly skunk and an irrate opossom come to mind I have never been able to keep my wild animals.
  13. Thrust
  14. hell (sorry - missed posts...)
  15. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am having loads of fun with the Orgy.... Teehee
  16. Pump
  17. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am admitting that I too am very confused. I am at the praise but basking in it all the same. I am working on the last chapter of Reno's Dilemma and then it's off to the next chapter in Realms of Reality ... I am very happy to see that my muses are back and being very...affectionate.
  18. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    The Man Show (TV)
  19. Xenomorph
  20. Misunderstood. Are aliens really all that bad?
  21. I have and have the rack to proove it. I have never hunted Turkey.
  22. Guilty but only once and after a night of partying in the woods. G/NG - has run naked through a campsite (yes I have in case you're wondering).
  23. Screaming
  24. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy to announce that my first ever Orgy update is on line. I am actually proud of it considering the fact that I spent less than an hour on it. I am thanking Red for the nudge to post it.
  25. Luna Lovegood
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