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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    A Christmas Story (Movie)
  2. Testy
  3. That would be me - "Please not a Troll" hopeful Daz?
  4. The funny little clock on mine hasn't moved yet - so apparently my paper isn't even being marked as I type this. I just hope I didn't get a "T"... for Troll.
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing Red luck with that.
  6. Cyber-sex
  7. Seifer Almasy
  8. Boum, Boum - Enigma
  9. Not Guilty - I go with the flow so to speak. G/NG - knows how your story will end before you write it.
  10. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking Red's right on the money with that one. I am still futzing about. I am actually feeling well enough to be horny.
  11. Web
  12. Frankie Goes to Hollywood (it's a name)
  13. (Great minds Red) Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol
  14. I am at the image of 'trae calling his computer such names. I am writing a couple of one shots for a friend and will probably be able to finish off Realms when I'm done. I am writing some het and actually liking it for once.
  15. Antibiotics that actually work
  16. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am currently trying to get through not one but two challenges for one shots my friend gave me last night. I am not having as many problems with these as I am with the last chappie on my main fic. I am thinking I should still be in bed wheezing and coughing under the sheets.
  17. Not Guilty - I speak English a bit better than most (but I'm American so that's not saying a whole lot), Latin (although I'm a bit rusty because - well, the language is dead unless you frequent a church and don't mind mispronunciations)and I can curse in Spanish (which most Texans are born doing anyway) G/NG Thinks that cursing in another language is okay as long as your with people who don't know the language.
  18. I have - at work that is - I'm a clock watcher "Is it time for lunch, break, home yet?" I have never been able to take off from work and NOT feel guilty about it.
  19. Venom
  20. Cedric Diggery
  21. White Wedding - Billy Idol
  22. Leonhart29

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    Nightmare on Elm Street (movie)
  23. Yearningly
  24. I think he's out and about on business today. Daz?
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