I am fudging around on the web.
I am visiting lots of new sites that will hold my interest for a while.
I am not saying that I will be here any less.
I am very happy with my AFF family.
I am wishing (as my mother screams at me from down the hall) that my family was "normal".
I am wondering why in the hell I ever moved back in with her.
I am remembering it had something to do with not having to support two house holds.
Extremely guilty - you don't want to know what deformed little plot bunnies are hiding in the recesses of my brain *shudder*
G/NG - is craving Mexican Food
Talking dirty has its advantages. To tell you the truth most of the time it's one of my favorite activities - and it can go hand in hand with the whole masturbation kick as well. Great - now I'm thinking about both of them.... goody.
I am trying to convince myself that it's okay to tell my Mum not today on hanging sheetrock.
I am contemplating holing up in my room and writing while my kids play on my PS2.
I am still not a 100% but much better thanks to the wonders of Z-pack.