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  1. Honestly, its a stupid non-controversy. In a month, the public will forget. In six months, any groups will have moved on. Welcome to the United States of ADD.
  2. It's a name a friend gave me. It's kinda what my real name (nate) would be pronounced if it where japanese.
  3. I still think clinton was one of the better presidents, especially in retrospect. I'm not that sure about edwards, though...
  4. Older than the internet. Still funny, though.
  5. <Insert immature attack against rosie o'donnel here.>
  6. This would be funnier if i hadn't been calling that dihydrogen monoxide for years.
  7. Neito

    Good Cliches

    I tend to try to reject cliches because of my background in writing before stories (sprite comics, if i can say so without people throwing crosses at me and screaming "Begone, demon!"), in which cliches and sterotypes overrun everything, and people make no attempt to improve them. But i like unomnipotant self-insertion anyway.
  8. my friends on IRC and i where playing a game called mafia. In it, one person is a "mafia" and each round kills one person. Everyone else are civilians, and must guess, each turn, who the mafia is. If they guess right, the game is over. If they guess wrong, the person they guess is dead. At one point, when i was the mafia, i was absolutely certain they had me. The two remaining non-mafia players where publicly stating it was me in their minds. Then, i get a PM. <One of the people saying its me> It's <name of the other guy saying its me>, right? <Me> Yes. <One of the people saying its me> 'kay, lets vote for him to die next. <me> 'kay. Well, he died, and it turned out it wasn't him who was the mafia. I then go on to win, of course, because the mafia only has to survive till there's one other. Needless to say, i was laughing like mad, and the guy who voted with me was pissed.
  9. Point you IRC clients to irc.blitzed.org and join #adultwriting Or point your browser here for the java applet. RULES: 1) Respectful dialog. Well, within reason. Goofing around is one thing, but flaming will be dealt with harshly. 2) Porn allowed, within reason. This isn't gonna be a porno trading channel, but we're all adults. Which leads me to rule 3. 3) No kids. If you're not supposed to be on AFF.net, don't be here. 4) No flooding. If you're not leaving time for a reasonable response, you're doing it wrong. 5) General niceness all around. Please? 6) There is no rule six.
  10. I don't really worry about the quote unquote legal responsibility really. IRC has far more things less legal than AFF that don't get hassled at all. I'd prolly set up a set of rules if i did, and the rules would be hard and fast. But really, how do you know everyone accessing this site is 18+? You don't. So you have the disclaimers and take reasonable precautions, like quickly dealing with people who you know are too young, etc. Not really... No more so than AFF itself, really. And IRC really isn't a dinosaur. You'd be surprised how many people and new things work their way through IRC. It's still alive and kicking... Sounds like a plan.
  11. You're thinking of ICQ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC It's fairly easy to moderate and use. Alot of places far smaller than AFF have IRC channels, and really, if its a decent group, they kinda mod themselves.
  12. This seemed like the best place to put this, but.... I poked around, and maybe i didn't poke hard enough, but maybe an IRC channel for AFFers to hang out and exchange ideas. Or talk about nothing really. Or am i walking into something that's been done and failed?
  13. I mean rating the reviews. Like, give bad scores to ZOMG UPDATE PLZ reviews, and good scores to the one i quoted.
  14. This, THIS, is how you do a review. Especially since i'm a stupid, lonely guy who knows very little about things, i especially appreiciate the help on sex scenes. ((EDIT: I'm being serious here, not sarcastic. Sounds that way, though. :/)) We need to institute a review scoring system.
  15. Honestly, i've run into emo bitches like that far too much. I was an unofficial hanger-on of Screw These Comics, if anyone has ever heard of that, and when i would do a review of a comic, people invariably emo'd out, and still do. But i still do it, for the one or two people out of 100 that actually care. They're worth the effort of dealing with the pretenders.
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