my friends on IRC and i where playing a game called mafia. In it, one person is a "mafia" and each round kills one person. Everyone else are civilians, and must guess, each turn, who the mafia is. If they guess right, the game is over. If they guess wrong, the person they guess is dead.
At one point, when i was the mafia, i was absolutely certain they had me. The two remaining non-mafia players where publicly stating it was me in their minds.
Then, i get a PM.
<One of the people saying its me> It's <name of the other guy saying its me>, right?
<Me> Yes.
<One of the people saying its me> 'kay, lets vote for him to die next.
<me> 'kay.
Well, he died, and it turned out it wasn't him who was the mafia. I then go on to win, of course, because the mafia only has to survive till there's one other.
Needless to say, i was laughing like mad, and the guy who voted with me was pissed.