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  1. So nice to get a review on two of my older works, thank you. I didn’t really have any more ideas for the concept so I never planned another sequel to the BOATL story. Though I am still retired I would really like to finish my Lara Barkhang Bang story and Fire Emblem anthology story at some point. I’m about to move in with my girlfriend though so I can’t forsee that happening for a few weeks at least.
  2. Thanks man, you’ve been the closest thing to I have to fan on here and I super appreciate it Not from me any more, at least not new stuff. Hope you (and anyone reading) checks out my older stuff on the site though.
  3. The last chapter of Doggy Tail is up: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089817&chapter=8 Hope you guys enjoy the finished package. There are a couple of other chapters in other stories still to come from me before I ‘retire’.
  4. The next chapter is up: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089817&chapter=7 One more on this story left to go.
  5. Thanks man. Trouble is, I've got plenty of hobbies already. I'm working towards getting an original non-sex novel made one day, and that and my girl has to take priority in my free time.
  6. The next Doggy Tail chapter is up: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089817&chapter=6 One chapter was getting too long so I split it into two. Hence, there will be two more on the way, not one.
  7. Hi all, I think I need to clarify that comment. My Doggy Tail fic has two almost complete chapters on the way. Once those are up that will be end. One extra chapter is coming for my Fire Emblem fic and my original dog fic has a 50% complete chapter I hope I can finish too.
  8. Hey all, I've got an announcement to make. Starting soon I will probably be giving up my AFF writing. I've met a lady and she's the most wonderful thing ever so I figure I should probably give up this secret smut writing and use that time with her instead. I am committed to finishing the chapters I've already made good progress on, so there's still some stuff still to come. But after those, I should be calling it quits. My Tomb Raider fic Barkhang Bang will be completely finished, while more open-ended ones will simply just stop (in a non-jarring manner, hopefully). Thanks everyone for the support over the years. I hope you can respect my decision.
  9. Whoops, guess I forgot to post here how part 3 (now of 4 parts) in now up: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089945&chapter=3 Thanks for the positive reviews guys. Though this fic has had a decent number of views (4000+) I'm sad that not more people have fed back. Hope this version of Lara is proving believable.
  10. Thanks so much for the kind words! Hopefully part 3 will live up to your expectations!
  11. So I've started a Lara human gangbang story, part 2 or 3 is up now: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089945&chapter=1 If you're waiting on my other stuff, don't worry, I'll be getting back to those stories soon. Thanks! It means a lot when people read/appreciate my lengthy context-building sections. That's not sarcasm, I actually put a lot of thought into all aspects of these stories.
  12. Chapter Five is up now: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089817&chapter=5 Just out of interest, did anyone notice the sneaky cameo from one of my other stories back in chapter two? FYI, I've got two other chapters in the works, one as a standalone story, one as an addition to one of my past stories. Stay tuned for those.
  13. Chapter Four is up: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089817&chapter=4 Thanks for Gawic and Snake for the reviews. There's plenty more varied things to come, so stay tuned.
  14. So ArchedEyebrows has now begun publishing his fan fiction of this fan fiction, named The Wolf's Snare: Doggy Tales. You guys should check it out and give him feedback: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089904 And yes, I have given him the thumbs up to write his alternate take on the story and do whatever he wants with it.
  15. It's been pretty accommodating so far, thanks for the info.
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