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Everything posted by Hiei

  1. Ninja pwn face over pirates, better uniforms, cooler techniques, and kunoichi beat down pirate chicks any day, even blindfolded and after being abused by tentacle demons. Of course Fu Maru ninja were a rogue clan that was exceptionally skilled at naval combat. So there actually were ninja pirates in the world at one point. Food for thought for any ninja fan ficcers out there.
  2. People still remember me? I'm touched, thanks a lot all, see you in a month after this stupid training I'm going to.
  3. Shiranui Mai, third Fatal Fury movie. Hands down, no question. In my book anyway. Urd and Pirotessa close second. If we're talking Amercan cartoons..... X-Men's Psylocke. And Taarna from Heavy Metal. (Last sequence heroine)
  4. I'm a Ninja lover?
  5. Which basically makes this and all other writing thieves firmly in the "For the love of all that is holy I hope you get a full Darwin Award" category. Whilst taking Information technologies 101 I had to do an essay about why someone would plagiarize another person's work. Most people said it had to do with lack of planning and organization, I proposed that it had to do with lack of confidence in one's own abilities. Kinda jinxed myself I guess.
  6. They were probably thinking (and I use the term loosely) something along the lines of "These are old stories that got good reviews, I want good reviews, I'll post their stories and call them my own!" Still makes no sense to me. How can getting a positive review on a story you didn't write boost your ego?
  7. I didn't answer Canada... apparently German Army generals who listen to metal and fantasize about sex are evil too. Oishii-chan dominatrix ftw?
  8. Hiei


    Er, well my first fanfic HERE was in 2003. But my first fanfic published was on Paladin's Ranma 1/2 site, as he was the one who got me into this biz. That was when I got out of the Air force... in August 1997. So yeah, a little under ten years. Damn I'm old...
  9. I understand, I'm not trying to get AFF.net to do something to FF.net, mainly this was done because if he copy/pasted from my stories the same day they were posted here he might have done the same thing to other authors here, as the title said, it was mainly a warning. And the fact that the site admins at FF.net play favorites is one of the main reasons I moved all my works here and will not publish even my non hentai stuff on FF.net.
  10. Well me of course but FF.net seems to hate me so I doubt that'll happen.
  11. Okay I'm going to do my best to remain civil here but it isn't easy. Today while checking my email I found a letter from a fan who warned me that someone might have stolen one of my stories. Present (in the Street Fighter section here) to be exact. Now I originally posted Present on my own site and on Shojou-ai in the Capcom vs SNK section, after being stuck in Saudi Arabia for six months.... in 2002. This little thief posted my story November, 2006, immediately after I posted it here. This set off some warning bells. So while I was at work Oishii checked out the rest of "his" stories. Both poems were stolen from RPGamer and one other story was jacked from Shojou-ai. ("Tell Me", Robert Silvers) I'm not going to do research on each and every one of the stories on FF.net under his name but I figured I'd let everyone know in case one of the people here was a victim as well. Here's a direct link to the offending person's profile on FF.net: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1070325/ ja na
  12. Balthier. Kill him in the most horrible way possible. It wouldn't be sexy but I'd damn sure read it and cheer. ...Get that bleach blond surfer wanna be Vaan and his jock boyfriend Tidus while you're at it. They can get Yaoi tentacled to death and I'd still cheer.
  13. Which would explain why there are no decent characters in this one. Nomura wasn't involved in the slightest. ...if he died or something I'll feel like an idiot but until I receive word on that I'll just assume that Square got too cheap to get a decent designer. Seems like they based it in Ivalice with the intent on suckering tactics fans like Oishii and me into buying. And it worked damn them.
  14. I've got a formidable bias and I belong to the POST FF7 group. It seems like in terms of story and gameplay every subsequent FF has gotten a little weaker than the previous one. Granted Lulu was hotter than a fuel-air vapor ignition bomb, but one hot babe doth not a good game make. And when was the last time you liked the main character for an FF? I like Squall in 8 but that was about it. Auron was also cool, but he wasn't the main character now was he? Square has made some truly awesome games. Most of the FF series set the standard for RPGs. Tobal 1 and 2 were soem of the most unique and original fighting games I've ever played. I've still never seen a game as complete as Tobal 2. Bushido Blade was the only weapons fighter that made sense (leg'em and run around behind em while they flop muhahahaha) Hell Einhander was Square and it was a terrific shooter, even for someone like me who generally falls asleep playing them. Legend of Gaia was one of Squaresoft's crowning achievements. THAT'S a game that they could remake into 3D polygon goodness and I'd play. Now what do we get? Rejects from the local Neo Nazi club agonizing over their choices and hair. /sigh
  15. Difficulty wasn't an issue for Oishii and I, when I'm at work she'll run around and make sure we are higher level than we're supposed to be basically. Also the fighting game reflex of rapidly slamming a button at a precise second (born of Virtua Fighter and King of Fighters) let's me chain Quickenings into th 6-9 range even if only 1 person starts with a full bar. We "level grind" like we do in World of Warcraft and things are fine on the difficulty area. And the story isn't too much of a problem, the STORY is fine, involved and all. The characters make me want to take a drill to my temple to let the boredom out. Oh, I've got a new "Most Hated Character" Al-Cid and his affro need to die.
  16. Hmmm... looks I scored a 2.5K+ Ambush on this thread, whether I meant to or not.
  17. Hey everyone, time for me to engender some more hatred I'm sure on this subject; which could also be titled WHY OISHIICHAN AND I HATE THIS GAME. Disclaimer, if you like this game, and wish to continue to do so, please read no further. Characters: RPG live or die on their characters. Good characters will take an annoying system and save it (Squall in FFVIII for example, everyone but me seemed to hate him but his "I don't give a shit about the world or your stupid cause, give me back my girlfriend" attitude was agreeable to me) Weak or stupid characters will kill my interest in a game or book faster than sharp tanto to the medula. No I don't mean weak as in physical combat abilities, I liked Lulu, even though she had all the hand to hand abilities of a non-Monty Python lab bunny. I mean a weak personality or will (choughcoughCloudcough). But even Cloud had more guts and personality than Vaan. But here's a character by character breakdown of why I hate them Vaan: ...right. First off, personality/character, where did I see this guy before? Hmm thief who wanted to be an air pirate... oh yeah FF9. Cept he actually WAS an air pirate not a wanna be. Monkey boy still annoyed the hell out of me. Physically? He wasn't a pasty faced white boy but the vest and pants with wild blond hair and a dagger thing was done in Suikoden 3, and least HE had something of a spine... and a really uber hot mom. Ashe: Lemme see here, Black Trillium, FF9, more fantasy novels than I can shake a katana at, yep she's been there done that. Save most of them didn't have a Las Vegas street hooker butt skirt. Normally I'm all for revealing clothing, but she has managed to look... cheap and tawdry. She's got all the class of a Penthouse Forum letter and the same amount of believability. Lesee here, yep pasty faced blond. Hmm I'm noticing a trend..... Basch: I'm okay with him. The "Evil Twin Brother" cheese factor aside (that is so 1970s soap opera) Basch has a decent code, honor is more internal than external, the easy diplomatic way is not the right way and evil must be opposed no matter the cost or method. Stereotypical maybe, but at least he's an archetype I can deal with. Physically: ......What THE FUCK is up with the rainbow happiness vest? And he has no muscle build, a person who's used to wearing heavy armor and swinging weapons a majority of his adult life wouldn't be Arnold, but he DAMN SURE wouldn't look like a boy band reject with a scar in a vague attempt to make him look tough. ...oh yeah... he's blond too. ....they bring Hugh Heffner in as a design consultant or something? Penelo: ...Lesee here... Rikku, Selphie, the mini summoner girl from 9. We've seen this before. Clothes wise.... she's running around in a warm water wet suit. What, they couldn't take the time to animate any more clothes so they just colored her skin? &nsbp; &nsbp;....and again, despite being froma mostly arid, warm climate... another pasty blond. Someone ressurect Hitler while I wasn't looking and ask him what all the characters should look like? Fran: .....hmmm let's see here. Let's take the archetypical Tolkeinian wood elf and give them... BUNNY EARS! YEAH! ....the fuck? Seriously, long life, communes with the woods, ignores the outside and very skilled at manipulating magic. If you haven't seen this before you haven't watched/read Lord of the Rings or any other fantasy novel that has elves. Even the "outcast because she leaves the woods" part has been done. Physically: Dark skin... MY GOD! Something vaguely different! I can actually see this as a natural adaption to concealment in a shaded environment. ...not that it works that with humans but I can forgive it. ....white hair? Soooo we're ripping off dark elves now, spiffy. As for her outfit. If she was a mage, or a dancer, or a bloody stripper I could see it. ...but she's jumps around like Trinity without the benfit of being able to manipulate reality to a limited degree. High heels are an old and established "sexy character" custom. Again, nothing new there. And now for the one person who has me turn off the PS2 and do something else more than anything in the game. Balthier. Okay, we'll assume for a moment that his voice actor didn't grate on my nerves enough to want to break a cinder block over his head and shove the fragments down his wanna-be-English-aristocrat-accented throat. It does, but we'll pretend for a moment it doesn't. One, he's primarily a gun man, yes I know anyone can use anything, but he starts with guns and is best suited for them. Vincent recovered from my innate hatred of firearms (which is really weird for an armorer in the US Army I know but hey) by being so freaking cool in the way he did things John Woo would have been proud. Balthier is not. Balthier gets lumped in with people like Ivrine, annoying cowards who don't have the guts to fight face to face and get their hands dirty. Two, his lines are obnoxious, the air of "I'm better than you are" reeks off every word he says. I've spent a better part of my life kicking the knees out of people like that. He's a fucking thief, and has no real reason to be. At least Han Solo just dodged an inherently evil Empire and smuggled goods to people, he didn't rip them off. Han also didn't assume he was better than people on the sheer fact that "Hey, I'm Han Solo!" Balthier obviously does. My general impression on people like that is that they are bound and used as beating therapy for people recovering from trauma. I sure as hell wouldn't feel guilt about breaking him in half. Three. He's a fashion plate. "If we get caught they better provide a change of clothes." ..... .... .... STABBITY DEATH. You're a pirate, you live beyond the rules of those confined to the ground and bound by mundane rules, and you're obsessed with how you appear. I'm reminded of a line from Dennis Leary's No Cure For Cancer. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, NEXT!" Four. He thinks he's Heaven's gift to women. ...Most women I know outgrew self obsessed narcissistic assholes like him when they were 13. He's got the attitude that made Sean Connery despise James Bond. Actually that's a decent analogy, he's a vague attempt at mixing a mercenary James Bond with an Erol Flynn pirate from the 1960s. Except he's more annoying and can't use a sword. As for the most recurrent NPC so far, Larsa... Oh fragging DIE already. The "noble prince struggling against the evils of his hereditary empire" falls into the same category as Ashe and Fran. Overdone, predictable, bloody fucking annoying. But he's not blond, so of course he can't be a main character. Now, I could go into the fact that I first saw this system of combat in .HACK, save it was more intuitive in .HACK and didn't crutch on pretty graphics. I could say that if I wanted to time buttons with random occurrences in order to get a combo off I'd play Tekken 5. I could even go into that they have a huge range of races and people but you can only play a small group of Aryan Empire candidates. But I'll just end with this, I'm going to play this through til I see the movie at the end. Then I'm going to go to the Trade 'n Game and get Guilty Gear like I should have. ...I'm gonna go watch Dead Like Me. And hope someone takes up my request to throw Fran and Ashe to the tentacle monsters in the FGLMM and feed Vaan to the moat monster.
  18. Guilty: Doesn't feel bad about having shot several someones in a war zone.
  19. Hiei

    Final Fantasy 7

    I hit Yes with the hope that they add all the options that were in the International version. The Aeris resurrection quest for example... And quite frankly seeing a modern graphics engine on Tifa and Yuffie... and Shiva would be perfectly fine with me.
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