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  • Archive Penname
    Cain Orta
  • Location
    Somewhere. Why are you asking?! Quit hounding me!
  • Interests
    First you wanna know my location, how to contact me. who are you? ARE YOU WITH THE GOVERNMENT?<br><br>You'll get nothing out of me! Nothing!<br><br>I spent 43 decades as a Vietcong POW and Charlie couldn't get me to talk, what makes you think you can? Huh?<br><br>What? Video games, you say? Comics, you say? Graphic novels? Doctor Who?<br><br>Why, yes, I am interested in those things.<br><br>DAMN IT!<br><br>Well, I won't mention D&D and WoW. So ha!<br><br>.... Crap.

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  1. Venting... Change is inevitable. It's a part of growth, change and the strengthening of other qualities. I find that at my "tender" young age, I'm faced with more change than ever before. The change of my responsibilities in my life, my views which are ever evolving as I continue to learn each day. As a person, I feel that each day, since my 21st birthday and the ... "travesty" that immediately ensued, I'm growing into a decent person. My focuses are scholastic and financial. My morals are proper with my belief in equal exchange, doing good to experience good and the opposite. I can control my emotions to the extent where I can view any situation objective, which people say makes me seem older due to my wisdom. I'm not modest. But I feel like most people in my generation aren't growing, evolving. They're fermenting. Their highest priority being appearance, physical and reputation, and second being the quick fix. Drugs, alcohol, reckless behavior without thought of consequence. My former friends have recently changed. I used to come from a group of oddballs. We were the different kids in school. Our only link being music taste and humor, more humor that music, though. They were my quick fix. Their company, which I regret but I'll explain another time. The two friends that survived that group after high school. One, who was like a brother to me, he became the walking incarnation of the Teenager of the New Millennium. Spends hours on his appearance each day, falling in love with his mirror. So much to the point that unless you want to talk about clothes or the like, you're better off chatting with 4 year old, if you want something even mildly intellectually stimulating. The other was fine until she started working at Domino's. She fell into Hip Hop. The popular rap scene has all the depth of a petri dish. An entire "culture" that is completely amazed by shiny things with inexcusably high price tags, all trying so hard to be tougher than the person next to them for no reason at all. As the time went on and I found that my standards for friends had severely fallen. My friends at that time were causing me nothing but disappointment and aggravation. And now, I'm alone. I have only one person to share my experiences with. I have no family. Change seems to be my enemy. But right now, it's my only hope.
  2. I'm a Commando, a free baller. Now out of preference but initially because I lost all my underpants mysteriously. EDIT: PIxagi stole my last pair of boxers! GIVE THEM BACK!
  3. I don't believe that it's within our right to prevent people from writing fanfiction, only to prevent them from profiting from such works.
  4. Ritualistic
  5. Include, Not Unless You Are Seriously Happy Again H A I L T H E M I G H T Y C T H U L H U
  6. Hi, forum, my name is Cain and I'm a Taurus. I like long walks on the beach, moonlit strolls on the boardwalk and an interesting mix of dictatorial democracy (i.e. "VOTE OR MY SECRET POLICE WILL KILL YOU!.... YOU'RE VOTE IS STUPID, WE WILL DO WHAT I SAY!!"). My hobbies include video games, comic books, planning for world conquest, and of course writing. I am very opinionated and what not. My pet peeves include the murder of the english language, two dimensional people and religion. I am a self proclaimed Zen Buddhist, I follow my own beliefs, really. I'm pro-death. Like all people, I feel bad when it hits close to home, but I think there are too many people in the world and it never really bothers me when massive amounts of people die. But I am anti-stupidity so I am against the current war, despite the death toll Blah blah blah. That's all for now. If any of you actually reads this, I hope you enjoy getting to know me...
  7. Heaven's Angels Don't Only Use Knives Each Night M A S T I C A T E
  8. CainTheEternal

    I Am...

    I am naked. I am about to sleep. I am your father!
  9. Leonard Maltin
  10. Nautical
  11. Snakes!
  12. Non Commie? Er, Red?
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