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Everything posted by LouisaB75

  1. Okay, maybe I am being really thick or something, but I was definitely not logged into the site, but when I logged in here and clicked the link to my archive under my name in this thread it took me back to the site and I am logged in. And managed to change my email and reactivate my account again from the link sent after doing that. So, no idea what the heck was going off with my login but it seems to be resolved now, so thank you for your assistance.
  2. Got your email thanks. Unfortunately, I am still having a bit of trouble. I got through the activate account bit. Used the link to reset my password and put the password in twice. But when I try to log in with the new password it takes me to a page where it says to input my email address for a password reset again. I thought maybe I had to reset it again but when I put in my email address there it says says the email address is either not registered or registered multiple times. Either way, it isn’t letting me log in to change my email address on my profile. Sorry, I am a pain.
  3. I haven’t been here in a long time as I have not written fanfiction in a number of years. I tend to just come back if someone messages me with review or a typo spot. I came back this week to update my email address, as my current one (soon to be old one) has turned into spam central, but I can’t login. When I put in my details and press the login button it just shuts down the sidebar and I am not logged in. I tried the password reset with the email address that is attached to my account, but it is saying the password reset is no longer valid when I try to use the link. My new account on the forum (since I can’t even find my login details for my old one) has my new email address, so that is sorted, but I would like to be able to log into my profile on the site, update my email address and see what else I may have missed since I was last here, since I see from the news on the main page that at least one email has gone astray, probably in the spam folder, and unfortunately, long since deleted. Can anyone help please?
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