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Everything posted by writtendotmd

  1. So, I want to write a Text Adventure in the style of my first story (https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091828). The player will have the ability to make choices and will also have stats that influence what choices they can make and how they play out. Still, it should feel more like an interactive story than a game. At the same time (you know that if you read my story) it will involve much sex and not always the nice kind, which is also what I want to focus on. Now my question: Do you think second or third person would be better for the writing style of such a project? I personally think second person is better, as it fits the choice-making part, which should be the selling point of the whole thing. But at the same time I imagine many (especially male) readers might be put off by that in the sex-scenes, which will be frequent and a large part of the whole experience. To demonstrate what I mean, here is an example (that I just made up) in both styles: I like the first one way better, but what do you think?
  2. Chapter 8 is out now: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091828&chapter=8
  3. The poll for Chapter 8 is over now, here are the results: To whoever voted, thanks for that. Feel free to also leave your ideas here.
  4. A poll for what happens after chapter 7 is only (there is a minor spoiler in the description, but nothing serious. Just what happens at the beginning of chapter 7). Here’s the link: https://strawpoll.com/e7ZJG31NPy3 Feel free to vote for up to 2 options, I think most of them are pretty combinable!
  5. Chapter 6 will be out in the next few days. It contains pretty much no story and is mostly just sex. Chapter 7 will probably be more character development again (in some sense at least). I have only vague ideas for the story after chapter 7 so I will probably do a poll again when uploading Chapter 6 and hope that someone answers. Feel free to post your own ideas of what could happen next here!
  6. Chapter t is on it’s way. Here are the results from the poll: https://imgur.com/a/P8G401q As you can see only one person voted, so you shall get what you want.
  7. There is currently a Poll for the 5th Chapter going on here: https://strawpoll.com/PKgl3ABvanp The question is simple: “Bestiality in Chapter 5, yes or no?” For the people who have played the quest “Dampened Spirits” in skyrim, it should be clear in what context that question stands. Please vote if you have a preference!
  8. Reply to ninesenshi’s review: I’m happy that you like the story, chapter 5 is right on the way. Currently you are the only participant in the poll, so if that stays like that until I get to the spicy part your wish for bestiality shall be my command. Don’t expect too much of such things in the future though, it is not a thing I like that much personally and I still write the story mainly for myself. But from time to time it is enjoyable. And let me just say, at least one of your wishes will be fulfilled ;).
  9. Hey everyone, this is gonna be a general thread for me to post updates on the story, reply to reviews and do stuff like polls and similar things. Link to the story: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091828 Short description of the Story: Saffy, a Dunmer adventurer, is earning her living by fighting bandits and collecting their bountys. But one day hiring another mercenery is her undoing, and she has to face the consequences of misjudging the wrong person.
  10. Thanks for the quick answer. Will do!
  11. https://imgur.com/a/hoDaA0i One inconvenient thing is, that there is now drop down menu to choose tags from, as there is when you create the story the first time. But that’s not really a bit problem, I can just look them up on other stories for example. But when I edit the tags by hand, say I add Angst: https://imgur.com/a/Tw2Qaz6 and press “Edit Story”, nothing changes. I’ve tried it a few times already and also waited a few days, still nothing. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for all answers.
  12. Author: writtendotmd Title: Saffys failed Adventures Summary: Saffy, a Dunmer adventurer, is earning her living by fighting bandits and collecting their bountys. But one day hiring another mercenery is her undoing, and she has to face the consequences of misjudging the wrong person. Feedback: Any would be appreciated greatly Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Warnings: Dom, Ds, Humil, MF, Oral, Rape, SH, Violence Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered URL: https://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091828 I hope you enjoy this story, as it is the first one I’ve ever written. I’m not a native english speaker, so sorry for any grammar mistakes. Reviews and general advice would be really appreciated.
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