The Horny Tree
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Everything posted by The Horny Tree
Tsunade has always been interested in the healing arts ever since her grandparents Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki introduced her to them during her training as a child, learning all the ways that she could help someone just as easily as can harm them. Tsuande’s interest quickly grows into an obsession after the death of her brother Nawaki and being unable to save him, she studies every medical text she can find before she starts experimenting in creating her own techniques. Tsunade tries to get the standard teams format change to always include a medic-nin as well as other reform in the hospital but was railroaded by the council saying that they were unneeded and expensive, there was a silver lining for Tsunade though she found someone who shared her views Dan Kato and they began dating until tragedy stuck again and Dan dies during a battle. Tsunade is thrown into depression but forces herself out of it and throws herself even further into her medical studies and begins experimenting on herself though not going to the lengths that her teammate Orochimaru has been rumoured to have gone to though they are probably spread by the jealous Jiraiya. Tsunade alters herself in multiple ways, she changes her blood so that she become a universal donor, her silky skin gains a rubber like consistency making it easy to use for skin grafts on to patients, her huge breasts now produce milk that can produce enough nutrients to keep someone going for a full day as well as her cum from her giant balls. All of Tsunade’s changes to herself has lead to a unique result that she only discovers during a mission in the Land of Snow, separated from her squad with only a badly injured teammate and very low on Chakra, she is forced to take shelter in a cave and strip the pair of them to share body heat through the night, when she wakes up Tsunade is surprisingly at full strength and her teammate fully healed, though thankfully still unconscious so they didn’t witness her mammoth morning wood. The war finishes soon after the mission and Tsunade decides to leave Konoha and the painful memories she has there along with Dan’s niece Shizune, travelling the whole continent, drinking, gambling and honing her art. Tsunade experiments with her new ability and learns that due to all her changes to herself the act of skinship has become healing, an effect that is intensified with sexual intercourse thrown in, they can even become stronger than they were before… when their legs start working again. Tsunade has always the top when using her new found skill as the only people that she would trust to fuck her are women who lack the equipment to be able to gain the benefit for it. Several years later Tsuande is lying naked in bed stroking the head of spiky blonde hair nestled between her huge breasts, the hair belongs to a sleeping young genin who had saved her life from Orochimaru’s lackey, apparently the man had been busy inventing new toxins one of which knocked her on her ass, she had been unable to stop Kabuto from nearly killing her and was saved by Naruto using the Rasengan to defeat him though being badly injured in the process and needing her brand of extensive healing, so after returning to the hotel, kicking Jiraiya out and making sure he couldn’t spy on them and stripped them down, she was rather shocked at the size of the Uzumaki’s package she might have a rival in size in a couple of years, it’s a shame that he was too damaged right now otherwise she’d let him fuck her with it as a reward for saving her life, but seeing as she would be going back to Konoha with him there were chance in the future, she also had the healing of his teammate and sensei to look forward too when they returned, Uchiha's always did make the best cock sleeves. Snuggling into the warm body in her arms Tsunade sighs in contentness, she truly did love her skill of a Senju’s healing skinship. -Requirements: *Tsunade experiments on herself to make her a better healer (Challenge takers choice on what experiments she does to herself, honestly some of them were weird to write), which gives her the ability to heal through prolonged skinship which is boosted through sex. *Tsunade is almost always the top, with a very small amount of people that she would let fuck her (Only Naruto is definitely required to top Tsunade, if you want to write about a girl topping her they’d had to use a temporary futa Jutsu). *No one who is healed by Tsunade using this method talks about it, so her being a futa isn’t common knowledge. *Tsunade doesn’t have her fear of blood but still leaves Konoha due to bad memories. *Tsunade fucks both Kakshi and Sasuke when she returns to Konoha. *Tsunade fucks Rock Lee to fix his injuries caused by Gaara. *Tsunade fucking the Sasuke retrieval squad as they arrive back in Konoha. *Tsunade getting fucked by Naruto after he is brought back injured by Kakashi. *Any other healings would be up to the challenge take but I would love to see flashbacks done of Tsunade fucking Karai in front of the Raikage and his teammates, and of her fucking Jiraiya after she beat him up for spying on her (though he would have to have to repress this memory and forget about her being a futa). -References: *Tsunade: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4081715 -Restrictions: *No Gore or Scat
Had a couple of ideas for what Kiba did to piss the Daimyo off but it’s the challenge takers choice, could be something like embarrassing him in front of someone he wanted to impress/intimidate, pranking him by dropping a can of paint on him, stealing all of his daughter’s underwear, humiliating his wife by pissing on her or doing something to his wife’s cat. For Tsunade I was going for a ‘third leg’ in size but if that’s too much for people it can be toned down, the artist OFF / Heavenly Butts did a really great futa Tsunade pic that is close to the size I had in my head. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4081715
An angry Tsunade is sitting at her desk, the massive wooden construction created by her grandfather Hashirama Senju with his Mokuton, the wood meant to be nearly indestructible and had take many angry slamming of fists by herself over the years is groaning underneath the literal mountain of paperwork currently dumped on top of it. It had been a few weeks since her knucklehead Naruto had left on a training trip with her pervert of a teammate Jiraiya when her daily paperwork load had begun to grow, the paperwork covered a range of multiple things but were all caused by one person Kiba Inuzuka. Apparently the Inuzuka had viewed Naruto as the Alpha of the village as even though he seemed physically weak everyone in the village seemed to fear and revere him, most civilians and shinobi seemed too scared to even meet his eyes and all stink of fear and submission when he’s around. With Kiba not knowing about the Kyuubi sealed in Naruto he sees all these things as clear signs that he is the Alpha of the village as that’s how the Inuzuka react to their clan Alpha, his mother Tsume, and they all act that way towards Naruto as well. Now with Naruto leaving the village for a long amount of time Kiba has seen this as his chance to become the new village Alpha. Kiba has been going around the village causing chaos, trying to imitate Naruto’s old pranking habits, but unlike her favourite blonde instead of trying to make people laugh for attention or getting some small amount of payback against someone for mistreating him, all with very little property damage or paperwork caused. Kiba on the other hand has been going around graffitiing and destroying property of both Civilians and Clans, pissing on objects with the dog in an attempt to ‘claim’ them and harassing women almost as bad as the father of all perverts Jiraiya himself. Kiba had also managed to piss off the Daimyo, which had caused her no end of meeting in order to mitigate the disaster but had meant that Kiba had been grounded and not allowed to leave the village. ... Apparently I had too much fun writing this and overdid it, full plot available here; https://archiveofourown.org/works/43413561 -Requirements: *Kiba pisses off Tsunade by giving her a mountain of paperwork by pranking and trying to prove himself the biggest Alpha in Konoha. *Tsunade decides to use Kiba as a stress relief by fucking him with her futa dick. *Tsunade loves to humiliate Kiba, especially about his tiny cock. *Kiba stops pulling pranks but still gets fucked daily due to being blamesd for ones pulled by Konohamaru. *Could have Tsume and Hana being pulled in to help Kiba pay off Tsunade after a bad run of pranks. *Kiba is fully feminised when Naruto returns when Naruto returns from his training trip. -Restrictions: *No Gore or Scat
Tsuande has been having a run of bad luck at Casinos, her next location is a small gambling den in the Land of Fire run by a weasely man named Zaji, the little idiot thinks that she can’t hear him and his crew calling her the Legendary Sucker clearly forgetting that she is a ninja and has heightened senses, he’s lucky that he has decent sake or she have would have put the whole lot of idiots through the walls. Tsunade’s luck only becomes worse after losing several times in a row when several Kumo ninjas including the muscle bound Kage idiot himself. Apparently one of the roided up idiots squad had got himself injured on a mission and now he was demanding that she heal him, seeming to forget that their villages were not allies, especially with them trying to kidnap Kushina and his own attempt at having the Hyuuga heiress kidnapped. Tsunade is about to punt the idiot all the way back to Kumo when he offers her something that she can’t refuse, a bet. If she beats him in an arm wrestle he will clear all of her debts and if he wins then she will have to heal his injured ninja and join Kumo. The deal is far too good to pass up so Tsunade accepts, for once luck seems to be on her side as she is overpowering the Kage with relative ease, but then he makes a mistake that he’ll regret for the rest of his life, he cheats. Something that has been ingrained into Senju since, even though they are ninja’s, they never cheat. It is due to this that the Senju’s are so respected and their word so valued and why Tsunade was allowed to rack up such a large debt as she had given her word that she would pay them back. It is also why no one tries to cheat her during gambling, apart from the fact that she had extremely bad luck as to not need to cheat her, they know that if they ever tried anything they would earn the wrath of a truly pissed off Senju, and just like her ancestors it would be truly brutal. The Raikage’s exclamation of victory is met with a speeding fist straight to his smirking face, sending him flying. The Kumo ninjas charge at Tsunade only to be met with a similar fate to their Kage and left in a pile of broken limbs. Stomping over to the downed Kage her rage only increases when he tries to get himself up by using her but ends up ripping her clothing. Out of all the things that Ay thought that Tsunade could be hiding beneath her clothing, a giant pale cock much bigger than his own was not one of them. What happens next is the most humiliation events of the Kage’s life, after slapping him around with the monstrous appendage the enraged Senju fucks his throat before chucking him over the rock they had been arm wrestling on and fucking him in front of his ninja. Finally after her anger has gone or at least when her balls are empty the Senju pulls away from him leaving him drenched and bloated with her cum. Despite the humiliation Ay knows that Tsunade is Karai’s only chance so he gets on his knees and begs that she still heal him. Tsunade says that she will heal Karai but Ay will pay off all of her debts even if he has to earn it a Ryo at a time on his knees in front of her and until he does he belongs to her before fucking his face again, maybe that will teach him to never cheat a Senju. Months later Naruto and Jiraiya are in Tanzaku Quarters looking for Tsunade to bring her back to Konoha to be the next Hokage. They find her sitting in the booth of a bar, Jiraiya expected the black haired form of Tsunade’s apprentice Shizune Kato and her pet pig Tonton, but the dark skinned woman with blonde hair and a bust close to Tsunade’s own was an unknown to Konoha’s spymaster. Jiraiya wonders if it has something to do with Kumo’s Kage long leave of absence on some secret mission, but he dismissed the thought as he settles into the seat opposite the three woman, all that matters is that he has another beauty to ogle hopefully he can catch the three at a hotsprings either her or in Konoha. -Requirements: *The Raikage Ay pisses off Tsunade by cheating when he makes a bet to heal his men. *Ay accidentally revealing Tsuande is a futa and gets fucked by her in front of his ninja. *Ay becomes Tsunade’s bitch to repay his debt after she heals his ninja. *Ay is feminised by the time Naruto and Jiraiya arrive to get her to become Hokage. -References: *Tsunade: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4081715 -Restrictions: *No Gore or Scat
After the war Tsunade has had enough of the Uchiha Clan and all the chaos that they cause, she decides to take steps to ensure that they never return, as well as getting her student to see there are much better partners for her out there. During a routine check up with the last Uchiha, Tsunade doses Sasuke with a special concoction that she created that not even her prized student Sakura could detect, it essentially sterilises it’s victim temporarily without any outward signs. After trying and failing to have a child Sakura and Sasuke come to Tsunade for advice as Sakura can’t find anything wrong with them, Tsuande suggests an unconventional method that she says that she has seen great success with in the past. The male is placed in long term chastity with a special cage that can only be removed by herself to prevent there from being a moment of weakness with either of the prospective parents, this is to build up the amount of viable sperm. The female wears the key to the cage and is encouraged to sleep around with multiple partners to encourage her body that it’s more than ready to have children, in fact it’s even better if she has children with the random partners to improve this fact. The male is required to always be present when their wife is being active with other partners. Both the Key and the Cage have a seal based off her own making an undetectable henge hiding who both Sakura and Sasuke really are. Both Sakura and Sasuske are completely stunned at this suggestion but both have dreamed of reviving the Uchiha Clan since their academy days so they agree to Tsunade’s idea, Sasuke is caged and forced to watch as Sakura fucks more and more people from Civilians and Gennin to Kages themselves, becoming more a more slutty after each session. Unknown to both of them Sasuke’s cage has a special seal on it to drain his length and become little more than a clit while his mind is slowly changed to stop desiring to see Sakura pregnant with his own child but to be knocked up by some friend or stranger alongside her. A few months later Tsunade is sitting in her office in front of her is the Raikage and his former secretary now wife Mabui, apparently they have been having problems conceiving and had heard that she had aided Sasuke with a similar issue and were now seeking her help. Hidden beneath the Hokage’s desk a heavily pregnant Sakura and a feminised Sasuke are worshipping Tsunade’s massive bitchbreaker, she smirks at the pair in front of her and agrees to help them the same way she helped the last Uchiha. -Requirements: *After the war, Tsunade poisons Sasuke so that he can’t have kids. *Sasuke being placed in chastity and Sakura sleeping with any man in the series (apart from the Raikage) with Sasuke watching. *Sakura gets knocked up and Sasuke is feminised. *Tsunade fucks both Sakura and Sasuke. *The Raikage asks for help and gets the same treatment. -References: *Tsunade: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4081715 -Restrictions: *No Gore or Scat Reposted Challenge after finally getting an account.
Naruto and Jiraiya were sent off by the Third Hokage, who had managed to kill Orochimaru before his plan to summon the dead Hokages, to find Tsunade and bring her back to help heal all of the wounded from the Sand-Sound Invasion, she is eventually convinced by Naruto after he wins a bet against her to go back to the Leaf Village. Whatever good feelings about returning leaves Tsunade after a meeting with the senile old Hokage; Hiruzen Sarutobi and his equally decrepit Elder Council; Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. Not only are they forcing her to take over the entirety of the Leaf Village’s medical departments without being allowed to make any of the much needed reforms that she wants, she is also being made to be trained up as the next Hokage a cursed and foolish position but the quartet of barely sentient corpses also demand that she start pumping out new Senju’s, having kids isn't an unappealing thought but they demand that there be a child on the way within a month or they will force her to procreate with partners of their choosing. Tsunade decides to teach the old fools a lesson that they won’t ever forget for as long as they live, which hopefully won’t be that much longer especially when they find out about what she is about to do. Using a specially designed Jutsu, Tsunade gives herself a massive bitchbreaking cock and uses it to fuck and knock up the grandchildren of the four fossils; Konohamaru Sarutobi, Moegi Kazamatsuri, Udon Ise and Sai Shimura. After seducing each of the grandchildren Tsunade spends the next few weeks fucking them, precisely a month from when she had the meeting with the Hokage and his practically desiccated teammates they summoner her to demand an update on her progress. Tsunade arrives in the office with four cloaked individuals, the wrinkled bastards presume that they are the ones that Tsunade has chosen to impregnate her, the men even Danzo are mentally cursing the lucky sods, while Koharu is distasteful at Tsunade’s whorishness needing four lovers. The cursing tunes to pride as three of the hoods come down revealing the men's grandson, the pride turns to confusion as the last hood drops revealing Moegi. Before they can demand any explanation the cloaks are dropped to the floor revealing four naked bodies each one sporting pregnant bellies enhanced by a large deposit of cum that she pumped into them this morning. All four of the elderly people in the room become pale when they realise what had happened due to the outline of Tsunade’s cock becoming visible and collapse one by one. Tsunade smirks at the sight, she doesn’t care if they had died from shock or just unconscious, it was worth the effort just to teach them to never piss off a Senju. -Requirements: *Tsunade being pissed off with the Hokage and the Elders after being brought back to Konoha. *Tsunade becomes a futa using a Jutsu or having always been a futa. *Tsunade seduces and knocks up; Konohamaru Sarutobi (Hiruzen’s Grandson), Moegi Kazamatsuri (Koharu’s Granddaughter), Udon Ise (Homura’s Grandson) and Sai Shimura (Danzo’s Grandson), in any order or in groups. *Tsunade reveals what she had done in the Hokage’s office which either kills the Hokage and his advisers or puts them in a permanent coma and Tsunade becomes Hokage. -References: *Tsunade: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4081715 -Restrictions: *No Gore or Scat Reposted Challenge after finally getting an account.