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  1. Hi Cross, first I want to congratulate you. I hope your wife and twins are doing well and are home now I had my gallbladder removed so I wasn't in the mood for a while to do anything but now I recovered and I finally read the new chapter and it was great and hot as always. The idea of stages in the next chapter sounds great and further improves this masterfully written manipulation. I also like LHunt idea about acceptance or maybe push this even further. Lara will become fully aware of everything she's done (and what Sarah has done) or maybe even Sarah will reveal the truth to Lara. Lara will be shock and first will kick out Sarah and will try to return to her normal life but Lara after deep thinking, remembering how much fun she had, how free she feels now and that she discovered something about herself, will decide to bring back Sarah and continue her new life because she loves it and sees it as being free, just like LHunt said. On other hand I also like idea of Lara being gaslit that everyone know how fucked up her situation is except her.
  2. Hi Cross, I'm a bit late, chapter 21 was great, I love how Lara was manipulated and how she had a brief moment of awakening before being manipulated again. As for your puppy vs pony question, I think the puppy is more humiliating and more "low" so it'll be perfect for Lara
  3. Hi Cross, the new chapter was great. I like how after so many chapters Lara has been brainwashed step by step and how she is no longer like she was at the beginning. It's also a bit scary because something like this could probably work in real life, especially with the new chapter summary where Lara is conditioned, cut off from her life and real friends, and then praised for doing things that are obviously not good (but still hot), so her shame is completely replaced with lust, desire, and pride. The next chapter sounds very promising, so I will wait patiently and let you cook
  4. Great news
  5. Congratulations to you Cross and your wife, time flies so fast because I can swear I wished you and your wife all the best not long ago when you were talking about your first child
  6. Hi Cross, I'm a bit late, but I just want to say that the new chapter was great. I like stories with corruption, both manipulation or when a characters starts to like something they don't like at first. If I sum up the story from the beginning, its amazing how slowly but super well and believably written Lara's "fall" was and now she's almost completely shameless in what she does. As always I can't wait for the next chapter and new adventures of our now favorite pornstar countess
  7. I often see people commenting "Womb Raider" on R34 sites, so it would be quite nice to have that in the story. "Thanks BLANK for raiding my holes today" also sounds good. ABigFan's Countess line sounds the best to me, and I think it fits well even if Lara isn't a Countess, because as you said earlier, she want to remind about her old life when she was a Countess.I don't know much about this stuff, but I think being an aristocrat for the English is something that people here are incredibly proud of and are very respected for. So for Lara to mention her past life while also starring in porn and doing other scandalous things that are not appropriate for a wealthy and well-bred aristocrat would be sexy and I'm sure at that point Lara would be a little embarrassed but also incredibly turned on. Especially since she would use her former title in such lewd way.
  8. Sounds great btw I don't want spoilers, I just wanted to say that I'm very curious what will happen next
  9. Hi Cross, the new chapter was great, the way Lara was manipulated into everything and now into porn was brilliantly written. I wonder what will happen in the next chapter since Lara has become a well-known porn star and what new adventures await her
  10. Hi Cross(and everyone), how are you and how is the story?
  11. Hi Cross, the new chapter was great. I like how Lara's mind is broken deeper and deeper, to the point where she doesn't even care that much about her reputation compared to previous chapters and like ABigFan said everything is perfectly planned
  12. Hi Lara Cunt, are you the same artist who posts Lara's comics and photos on Imagefap? If this is you, I just want to say that I really like your pics, especially the ones with captions, and also the one where Lara is giving a blowjob to this fat, ugly, dirty guy
  13. Hi Cross, I'm late but I really enjoyed the new chapter and can't wait for the next one which sounds interesting based of what you described
  14. Hi Cross and everyone, how's it going and how is the story progressing?
  15. Hi Cross, new chapter was good and the idea for the next one sounds great too
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