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CrossroadsMk2 last won the day on January 1 2024

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  1. Hi LHunt, I think it's thickness rather than length in this case - since she'll have to get past the heel.
  2. I think the maids have won! According to the internet, the average women's shoe size in Vietnam is only a US 5.
  3. Hi LHunt, if the maids, as you've suggested above. Hidden cameras to film with faces of everyone but Lara blurred out (so it can later be posted to her Onlyfans for content). Mary giving Lara instructions through an earpiece. If business women, it would be offsite. Sarah wouldn't be involved. I think the filming would be problematic here, as I don't think business women would want to be filmed and filming them in secret could have legal ramifications for Sarah. That's why I'm leaning towards the maids.
  4. One vote for maids and one vote for business women. I'm leaning towards maids, but I'll wait to see how the voting goes.
  5. Hi everyone, I've started the next chapter (which is slow going because of a lot less free time). I'm going to be doing the foot fetish thing this chapter (I won't give away any spoilers about the other stuff happening, leading up to that). Question for you guys: I'm thinking of doing it with the Vietnamese maids instead of wealthy business women, since I haven't used them for anything yet. The activities will be directed by Mary. I'm picturing the maids sitting around in Croft Manor drinking champagne, while Lara's crawling between them on her hands and knees, giving them foot massages, which escalate into her licking and sucking on their feet and oral sex - and finally the foot-fisting. I thought it might be hot because of the enmity between Lara and the maids. What do you guys think? Stick with the business women or go with the maids?
  6. Hi Extreme, glad your surgery went well. Lara will eventually become aware of what's been done to her, but not until the end, and once it's far too late to do anything about it. What you're suggesting is how I plan to play it - Lara initially kicks Sarah out, but eventually returns to her - like a an emotionally damaged girlfriend who keeps returning to her bad boy ex, despite saying he's narcissistic, toxic, abusive etc... because no one else gives her the same tingles and she gets bored easily and is addicted to the drama.
  7. Hi LHunt, I think acceptance would be the 5th stage, after everything is over and Lara rebuilds her life (I have a plan for a "one year later" chapter to be the final one in the series). I see this stage as more like Lara as a domestic violence victim. Her life is fucked up, everyone else can see it's fucked up, but Lara has been gaslit into believing it's normal.
  8. Thanks ABigFan!
  9. Hi LHunt, glad you enjoyed reading the chapter. The next chapter will start with Sarah explaining the stages of her plan to the reader, to fill in the gaps. Stage 1 - Isolation (the cornerstone of every good cult brainwashing. Isolate her from friends and broader society, so no one can give her support or a second opinion to counteract the gaslighting) Stage 2 - Demoralization (Undermine her confidence, destroy her pride and sense of self worth. Tear her down to make her easier to rebuild) Stage 3 - Destabilization (turn her old life upside down. Push her past her breaking point, so she hits rock bottom. Get her addicted to new behaviours) Stage 4 - Normalisation (Establish new routines and habits to replace the ones from her old life and reinforce her new habits. Gaslight her into thinking that everything is normal, so there's no reason to question her new life).
  10. This makes three, so definitely no more! 😂
  11. Twins came last night - two boys. Both they and mum are doing well. Have a great day everyone!
  12. Hi everyone, Chapter 22 has posted. It's another long one, because there was a lot of plot stuff I wanted to cover, to explain the changes to Lara's personality. I hope you enjoy reading it. Hi LHunt, thanks for the good wishes. My wife is doing fine - twins not here yet, but the obstetrician says they'll be coming sometime in the next week. So life's about to get a lot more complicated!
  13. Hi everyone, sorry for the lack of updates recently - my personal life has been a bit hectic at the moment. The next chapter is finished and I'm in the process of proofreading it (in between doing other stuff). I'm going to try and make a push over the next couple of days to finish the proofreading and get it posted. Thanks for your patience.
  14. Hi Ibex, thanks for reading and commenting. Yeah, the next chapter is going to be crucial for explaining Lara's transformation from reluctant participant to insatiable slut.
  15. Hi Edyrn, no need to apologise. Thanks for taking the time to read!
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