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Everything posted by Reborn-From-Ruins

  1. I didn’t know about that :p. Saw the review you left, glad you liked the chapter. I’m working on the first scene of the second chapter at the moment.
  2. Ay yo, I’m done with the first chapter. I changed my pen-name to Reborn-From-Ruins and the story’s title is “Sensei-kun”. Hope you like it. For some reason, my name still shows up as YamiWriter here. Weird. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106307
  3. YAY
  4. NP, i wasn’t lashing out. I mean this will have porn and since I’m going for the age sixteen route, might as well make her look a bit good.
  5. Also, I am changing Sakura’s breasts to B Cup at age 16. A Cup is just insulting.
  6. Will do. I’m sorta working on the first scene.
  7. Nice
  8. Is this taken? Cause I think I can make this work, I even have a slightly good angle worked out.
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