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  1. For as long as Naruto could remember whenever he slept he would dream of himself and a massive 9 tail fox. At first they were fairly tame dreams, running in the plains, resting on the Kyuubi by a lake, etc. But as time went on they became a bit more explicit. It started small at first, Naruto realizing that he is wearing shorter clothing and it eventually getting to less clothing. However one thing remained a constant, his lovely vulpine companion being there for him and as the explicit-to-lewd the Kyuubi slowly shifted in attitude from being a calming presence to one that is slowly becoming a bit more emotionally and physically more affectionate. This starts with simple things like hugs, cuddles, and the occasional kiss on the forehead. During his time in the academy the affection becomes more romantic. Things like dates, sometimes Naruto is wearing boy clothing, sometimes he is wearing dresses. Sometimes it is home cooked dinners with the roles changing with Naruto sometimes wearing dresses for the Kyuubi and sometimes it is the other way around with Naruto going to the Kyuubis home for dinner. Along with other romantic encounters. It is during Naruto’s last year in the academy that the dreams become more sexually explicit. Nude showers, spooning, touching, all kinds of things just shy of actual sex. A few months before the end of year exam his dream is of him marrying the Kyuubi. The Kyuubi is in a Suit and Naruto is a Wedding Dress and this will be the first dream where Naruto has sex with he Kyuubi and Naruto goes on with how much he loves this. In every one of those dreams he goes on and on about how much he love the Kyuubi and how much he loves this and wants to have a large family. This eventually comes to a head when Naruto fails for the 3rd time and is given the mission to steal the forbidden scroll and with the revelation that he is the Jinchuriki, instead of freaking out his reaction is more along the lines of “So that explains those dreams”. After that you can take the story in any direction you want so long as at least the majority of what i want to see is in the fic. However Naruto must find a way to extract the Kyuubi without dying. What I would like to see: Feminine Naruto: As he grows up he becomes more and more feminine, to the point where unless he is seen naked everyone will think he is a women Busty Naruto: Again, as he grows he will develop a bust size that would eventually rival that of Tsunade Body Modification: As Naruto grows it isn’t just his looks that become more feminine his body becomes more feminine (ie, hips become more feminine ala birthing hips, a feminine ass, etc.) Crossdressing Naruto: Around the time Naruto started the academy he was pretty feminine so him wearing clothing one would expect a kunoichi to wear wouldn’t really draw to many questions, aside from his teachers. That and he learned to love female clothing Kyuubi shifting between Anthro and Feral form: Fairly self explanatory Naruto leaving the village: Naruto is going to have to leave Konoha at some point and never return as he will never be able to show his love to the Kyuubi there so you are free to come up with a scenario where Naruto leaves. It could be during the Chunin invasion, it could be during a mission, it could be during the 3 year training period. Honestly you can come with something for this one but he has to be able to get away scot-free, or at most almost scot-free M-Preg: Naruto wants to have a large family with the Kyuubi and part of that is figuring out how to get him out without dying Dominate Kyuubi/Submissive Naruto: Again I think fairly self explanatory, though Naruto is so submissive to the Kyuubi that he will do whatever the Kyuubi asks without any hesitation, within reason Bestiality: Sometimes the Kyuubi will fuck Naruto in his feral form, and regardless of form (Anthro/Feral) Naruto loves all the sex he gets no matter the hole, whether in dreams or reality An epilogue: In the epilogue I would like to see that Naruto has many little kids around him, breastfeed his newest child while being very visibly pregnant again. Preferably the epilogue doesn’t happen for a good long while Whether you decide to post it here or AO3 please link here
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