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  1. Naruto has always had a respect for women, for their strength, perseverance, intelligence, but what if it goes beyond that? A Genuine reverence in submission to women, and if so, how many verses out there do women put a certain stubborn blonde in his place. A collection of crossover one shots of Naruto being subjected to varying levels of Femdom, in some cases perfectly consensual, soft core and loving. In others, far harsher, more controlling and non-con. Some chapters would simply be one chapter and done while others may get sequel chapters if the initial one comes out well enough. Just putting this out there to see if there is any interest in such a story. Scenarios could range from something as banal and wholesome as say Naruto dating Wednesday Adams and offering no resistance to her wanting complete control in bed to something downright crazy like the Lady Demitrescu of Resident Evil forcibly raising the captured blonde as a new ‘daughter’. The only limits which will not be attended to are Snuff or Scat.
  2. sure
  3. If you're willing to wait a few hours I can get my discord alt as I'm at work rn. I line to keep SFW and NSFW accounts separate
  4. You need an account to PM, it's a pretty simple process. Once you do just select my name then private message
  5. If you have an account I'd be happy to share the files with you.
  6. So, watching “Marvel: What If?” has given me a decent idea to carve out a little omnibus of debauchery. To those who haven’t watched it or read the comics, the premise of ‘What if?” are short stories born of worlds where singular or multiple things have changed and the inevitable end result that divergence produced. So the basis of the idea is this, after the end of the 4th war, Hagaromo finds himself bored due to having completed all he ever wanted to achieve and thus to alleviate that boredom he has taken to observing snapshots of other worlds and timelines revolving around Naruto where things played out differently. After coming across one where he discovered living life in debouched torment he grew curious about what had led such a world to take form and the end result, finding hundred of others where Naruto ended up living a tormented and debauched life. Each chapter would essentially be its own one-shot with potential for further chapters of that particular ‘What If?’ if it warrants enough interest. So what I ask of you guys reading this are ideas for these potential ‘What if’s?’ NOTE: This is NOT a think tank for random ideas, please adhere to the rules of this before subjecting a request or What-If Rules: The core constant of any idea should have Naruto suffering/in torment. This means while he may be content with his lot in life it is a situation where he is the butt of the cosmic joke. An idea must be born of a divergence in history and while the subject matter may be fantastical using things ranging from magic to gods and science you have to be able to explain the chain of events that led there. The only limit on a suggestion is that the section of time portrayed in the chapter cannot portray a Naruto who is younger than 16. Pretty much anything else is fair game please provide both the idea set up as well as any key events in the What If? that warrants displaying, not just a general “Yo i wanna see Narturo getting cucked” Hope this tickles some interest
  7. [SPOILERS FOR BORUTO ANIME AND THOSE NOT UP TO DATE WITH THE MANGA, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK] So, for those of you that haven't been keeping up with Boruto as of late the meaning behind the Kāma(the mark that Boruto was branded on the hand with by Momoshiki) has been explained to be a compact backup of biological data as well as the soul of an Otstsuki that allows them reincarnate into a new body after death, overwriting the body and soul of the host and turning them into the white haird space locusts we all love to hate. And thus from this an idea was born based around this premise of being able to overwrite a person so vividly. There is a lot of leniency with this premise and plenty of interpretations to take it in, but the basic premise is as follows. A member of Naruto's family has been branded with an Otstsuki's Kāma which has eventually overwritten them into a new being whom take their time exacting their perverse revenge on the world that had defied them for so long. Now there are several different ideas which this could take on depending on which Kāma is used on who, some examples are: -Boruto finishes transforming into Momoshiki, his love for his family mixing with the celestial locust's lust for power wherein he enslaves and trains them to his whim. -Kaguya branded either Naruto or Hinata with a Kāma before her sealing resulting in either the blonde slowly turning into or watching the woman he loves turn into his most powerful enemy who proceeds to make the blonde's life a living hell. -Urashiki's Kāma from the timeslip filler being damaged but still implanted on Naruto. In the present it is manipulated by another to turn the blonde into a new female Otstsuki and trained to be the faithful lover of the Turner. -any idea you want to work out so long as it falls within the basic premise. Lots of range here, from domination, bondage, mind break, identity death, incest, latex, training and a litany of other potential things to happen. If it catches your fancy then don't be afraid to PM for potential in working out an idea because I'd be more than willing to help ideas be gestated and come to fruition. If not then thank you for taking the time to read this and I wish you a good day.
  8. It just me being pedantic after seeing Hana is only 5 years older than Naruto whereas the majority of the others you listed have at least 10+ years on him. The 5+ year older range opens up a larger range of potential women,
  9. Is there an age cut off? I'm assuming Naruto is 16 here which would put Hana at around 21. Also I guess Kaguya and Mei count as older women with a potential mom vibe, Tsunade and Shizune as well, genjutsu on the former notwithstanding
  10. I don’t see a problem with that, if you wanted to discuss it further you would have to PM me so i can share some more of the stored notes on the story
  11. Preface: During the operation at the Blood Prison, it was decided by the Raikage to pull out of the operation due to fading trust for Konoha, as a result of losing this support, Konoha was unable to launch their assault on Hozukijou and Naruto remained imprisoned there. Repeated torture of both the painful and sexual variety eventually broke Naruto shortly after he turned 18, but the ramifications of such an event were far more intricate than simply insanity. When Mui the Warden used Kurama's chakra to open the Box of Ultimate Bliss beneath the prison, Naruto killed Mui and made a wish that he could be in abject control and happy. The wish morphed both Naruto and the prison into a nightmare of imprisonment and sexual horror; three years later, Konoha finally arrives to pay their debts...not knowing that all they will find in the Blood Prison is agony and ecstasy. Details: - Naruto was irrevocably changed in both body and mind by the events of his stay. He now rules as warden of the prison and takes pleasure from everyone there. - Ryuzetsu is the vice warden and has fallen into the role of Naruto's immediate subordinate and main lover. She is immensely submissive to him and enjoys both sadism against the prisoners and masochism at her warden's hands. - No one outside of the Blood Prison knows the hellhole it has become. Prisoners are still sent to be interned there and face the horrors of being broken down by the guards. - Naruto has been slowly organising the crimes of those who 'abandoned him' and is looking forward to breaking them. Kinks and other notes: Gender Fluidity: Naruto is markedly effeminate despite being a man and the "domme" of the prison. He likes to dress up as a woman and wear makeup as well as enjoys dominating both men and women. (You can take this to full-blown hermaphroditism if you so wish) BDSM: A key focus of the story, Naruto indulges in all aspects of BDSM from the extreme bondage of solitary confinement to humiliation of staff and inmates. Rubber/Latex: Consumption of cum: Golden showers: Sensory deprivation: Branding and body marking Corporal punishment and humiliation. Emasculation and feminization of male inmates: The end goal of the story is as many important people to the former Naruto as possible imprisoned and debased to the point of being broken. Even beyond that, you can just have Naruto toying around with them for his own personal fun and pleasure. You can add in supernatural aspects if you wish and if you want to has out more developed ideas than contact me via PM.
  12. maybe Naruto could wear special clothing that marks him as a slave or inhibits his movement, thigh high high heeled boots comes to mind
  13. STORY UPDATE: Rubberfoot got in contact with me recently to tell me that due to personal factors outside of his control he will not be able to write for the near distant future. I do not blame him for this, as it is not his falt. But that means that this challenge is once again up in the air and free for anyone to pick up. To any that wish to take up the story I suggest to work with the framework established in the main challenge but also the multitude of ideas you yourself can come up with. As a side note, before this, Rubberfoot and I had drawn up around 40 pages of ideas for this story so if you are ever stuck for content/idea generation send a PM and hopefully you can make use of some of our ideas. To cap this off on a high note I would like to say how happy I am that this little idea of mine is still so well liked on the forum with people seemingly wanting more.
  14. While the demure wife thing is something to be got over in the story, housework I don't see Naruto doing. His transformation is into something similar to a heian era noblewoman who's only job is to provide love and entertainment to his husband. Plus having everyone do his jobs for him feeds into his isolation, getting accross to him that he has no control over even the smallest thing, (like dusting the house). Though the idea of menial labor and house work could likely be used in a sex game with punishment following non compliance.
  15. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106339 The link if anyone was wondering
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